12241-12250 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACLEVP00273.jpg.jpgApplication of Moustafa Kolokiraki to the President of Muslim Council of Elders, asking for the provision of a copy of the decision of Council containing the suggestion for his dismissal from the position of the bailiff of the Holy Court (Ierodikiou).-1915-11-06
ACLEVP00338.jpg.jpg1305 senesi Mart-Haziran dönemine ait 4 aylık vazifesi olan 240 kuruşun Laşid Evkaf Sandığı'ndan alındığına dair senet. [7 Teşrin-i Evvel 1305]-1889-10-19
1309 senesi Teşrin-i Evvel ve Eylül-Teşrin-i Evvel dönemleri Laşid Sancağı Maarif Sandığına ait maaş makbuzları. [Teşrin-i Evvel 1309]-1893-09; 1893-10
ACLEVP00278.jpg.jpgApplication of Nasibes karahasanaki, resident of Sitias, to Muslim Council of Elders of Lasithiou, asking for her appointment at the position of teacher at the Muslim Girls School at Sitia.-1911-07-17
ACLEVP00163.jpg.jpgMaaşını Laşid Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Kaguş Cami-i Şerifi İmamı Tosun mühürlü pusula. [31 Kanun-i Sani 1302]-1887-02-12
Letter of the Adminstration (of Muslim Religious Foundations) to Merchant Dimitrion Vazakin replying to his application to purchase the Wakf estate belonging to the Adminstration at the location Kambou the periphery of the Village Piskokefalou.-1915-12-21; 1915-12-29
ACLEVPR00158.jpg.jpgInvitation of the Religious Foundations Director of the Holy Court (Ierodikiou) to Konstantinon N. Fransifili, resident of Kato Horiou, to pay rents Jaredes and from the liberation (Apo Lefterosi) of Wakf estates, to the Directory Treasury.-1915-12-17
ACLEVPR00116.jpg.jpgLetter of the Director Ahmet Veligoudi Hajiefendaki to the Proxy of the Administration of the Religious Foundations, Em. Hourdakin, asking for his opinion concerning the Appeal of the opposite party in the case.-1914-01-25
Application of Mihail Kolovoutaki to Muslim Council of Elders of Lasithiou, concerning a conflict between him and the Directory for the Right of Cultivation of an estate as Simisatoras (the cultivator taking half of the production).-1914-05-01
ACLEVPR00244.jpg.jpgEstiye Kazası dahilindeki vakıf akarının iltizama verilmesi hususunda luzum görünen pusulaların tanzim edilmesine dair Estiye Avniye İmamı Receb Efendi'ye gönderilen takrir. [20 Ağustos 1320]-1904-09-02
12241-12250 / 15207


Issue Date