12201-12210 / 15207
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The Director of the Public Benefit Treasury of Crete, which succeeded the treasury of pensions of the gendarmerie, Andreou Moshona, aknowledges to the heirs of the Deceased Mustafa Vrodaki or Vrodalaki that unless the debt of deceased Mustafa Vrodaki of a total sum of 1.055,63 drahmes is paid off in half a month, the deceased’s real estate property comprised of fields in Village Ardaktiana and of their house inside the village will be sold at public auction.-1911-12-15
ACCGVM00008.jpg.jpgHidmet-i Askeriye'ye celb edilen Müslümanların tevellüd defterlerinde senelerinin yanlış gösterildiğinden bir emirname-i mahsuseyle Hanya'da teşekkül eden komisyona evraklarıyla başvurmaları hususunun Mahkeme-i Şeriyesi'nce cereyan edip etmediğine dair yazı.-1917-02-06
ACCGVM00001.jpg.jpgHanya Evkaf ve Eytam Riyaset-i Canib-i Alisi'ne gönderilen Sivil Esirler Garnizonu Tabibi Doktor Necati Bey esir askerlerden Bursalı İbrahimoğlu Mustafa’nın muayenesi ve teşhisi ile ilgili raporu. [ Teşrin-i Evvel 1338]-1922-10-20
ACCEVSC00170.jpg.jpgHocazade Ali Şakir Ağa'nın ruhu için 1302 senesi boyunca okunan Kuran'ın hediyesi olan 200 kuruşu Hanya Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Sultan İbrahim Camii İmamı Mustafa Safi imzalı senet. [18 Şubat 1302]-1887-02-25
Letter of the President of the Muslim Community to the General Administration of Crete complaining about destruction of the Muslim Cemetery lying outside the town and expropriated by the municipality as a measure taken for embellishment of the place.-1922-08-21
ACCGVE00006.jpg.jpgSupreme Directorate of Education. To Council of the Chania Muslim Elders the President is asked to appoint new teachers for the Muslim schools at the place of Kon. Papadakis, who will be dismissed, and Dim. Hajimihalakis, who will be transferred-1910-09-04
Telegraph from Izmir to Ali Bey Ciskakis, president of the Muslim community of Chania thanking him for the dispatch of an unspecified document and informing him that they will soon arrive.-1919-11-15
To the Director of Chania Muslim Foundations. Bill by Nikol Koudaki for the works at the Ottoman cemetery.-1913-08-24
ACCGVF00004.jpg.jpgTreasury of Chania. 15.20 dr. was payed to the Treasury by the Secretary of the Holy Court of Chania-1902-04-01
ACIEVFM00016.jpg.jpgKandiye Biryoniçe Kazası mülhakatı Kako köyünden Rençber İbrahim bin Hüseyin'in Şemsiye binti Hüseyin Yusufaki ile evlenip terk ettiğinden şeriyyen icab eden boşanma muamelesinin yapılmasına dair Kandiye Niyabet Vekaleti'ne gönderilen yazı. [29 Mart 1317]-1901-04-11
12201-12210 / 15207


Issue Date