12151-12160 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Eflakili Hacı Derviş Bilalaki ile taallukatı’nın Marola Kariyesi’ndeki galleleri 1300 senesi Ağustos başlangıcından itibaren 4 sene müddetle Kazikçizaki Cafer'e icar kılındığına dair icarname.-1887-09-15
Adile, Nazife and Oumi Ginousopoula, residents of Rethymno, against Tzemalis Mouladakis. The program of the auction was published on the 23th of November 1900 in the newspaper "Idi".-1908-09-11
ACREVPR00172.jpg.jpgKastel Mahallesi'nde Hacı İzzetaki Ali Efendi'nin himayesindeki bir evin icar kontratosunun yenilenmesi hakkında karar. [12 Teşrin-i Sani 1313]-1897-11-24
Moustafa Prasanakis, Kioubra's wife of Osman Ouzounalidakis, and Semse Prasanaki, wife of Ahmet Efendi Risvanakis, are informed that their lands will be sold through auction.-1891-01-24
ACREVPR00129.jpg.jpgRethymno Muslim Foundations. Towards Vasileios Kapetanakis, resident of the village Hromanastiri. He has to pay his debt to the administration or the latter will take legal action.-1923-08-30
Girid Müslüman ahalisi ihtiyacı için Maarif Nezareti'nin Müteşekkil İane Komisyonu’nun satın aldığı 150 çuval dakikin Girid'e gönderilmesine dair senet. [16 Zilkade 1317-4 Mart 1316]-1900-03-17; 1900-03-18
Abdlazaki İsmail'in kerimesi Zekiye'nin çeyiz masrafına medar olmak üzere Resmo Şefkat Sandığı'ndan Mollazaki Ali Efendi yedinden 100 Kuruş verildiğine dair senet. [7 Kanun-i Sani 1301]-1886-01-19
Notification and call by the administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations, towards: 1) Mehmet Katziledakis, 2) Nasli Katsaledopoula, widow of Bentevi Veloudakis or Lazakis, 3) Ahmet Velidakis or Lazakis and 4) Hatitze Velidaki or Lazaki.-1908-01-20
ACRGVDIV00011.jpg.jpgTowards the manager of the administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations: The mayor of Rethymno asks him to announce the orders he has received and to cater for the cleanliness of the toilets at location Vrysalakia.-1903-05-05
Invitation for conversation from the Magistrates Court (Irinodikio) towards the third Ali Efendi Pinialaki as cashier of the Efkafiou of Rethimnis.-1894-12-22
12151-12160 / 15207


Issue Date