12131-12140 / 15207
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Resmo Şehri sakinlerinden Ramazan Perasanaki tarafından Sekene-i Merkumeden Osman Uzun Alizaki ve diğer lakabıyla Dilaveraki aleyhine verilen istidaname. [13 Nisan 1319]-1903-04-26
ACREVDIV00059.jpg.jpgIn the name of Emm. Tsouderos and Styl. Kostogiannis, lawyer of the director of Rethymno Muslim Foundations Moustafa Kemal Karatzedakis; towards Leonidas(?) S. Karaitzakis: Call to appear to Rethymno Magistrate's Court.-1915-03
ACREVDIV00004.jpg.jpgAknowledgement to Muslim Council of Elders of the municipality that the lists with the names of families of the Muslim residents of Ottomans from the countryside that fled to the town have arrived at the municipality.-1923-01-14
ACREVDIV00013.jpg.jpgLetter of administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations to the prefecture: They do not keep books with the births and deaths of the Muslim citizens therefore they are unable to give such information.-1923-03-19
ACREVC00043.jpg.jpgThe Rethymno prefect G. Paulakis reports that there are serious problems in the buildings of the ewkaf where the refugees had been settled and that even the life of the refugees is in danger.-1922-11-09
Hanya Müftülüğü ile Evkaf Heyeti arasında çıkan ihtilafa dair Resmo Livası Naib Vekili'nin yazısı.-1918-02-12
Rethymno director of Muslim Foundation is invited to take the oath concernig a case.-1908
Resmo Kazası Mahkeme-i Şeriyyesinde Temmuz 1314-Şubat 1314 döneminde görülen davaların zabıtlarını ihtiva eden defter. [Temmuz 1314]-1898-07
Resmo İslam İhtiyar Meclisi Dairesi Ayvasil Kazası'ndaki Kiso Kariyesi'nden müteveffa Hasan Saradaraki’nin gayr-i baliğ eytamının vasisi olan Hüseyin Selimaki vasilikten istifa etmiş yerine Recanaki Ali Efendi getirilmiştir. [19 Şubat 1317]-1902-03-04
Mortgage debt contract compilated with debtor Ahmet Tzetzerakis and the Muslim Orphans' Bank, which manages the property of orphans of Hasan Reis Hanialakis, and managed by the bank and belonging to orphans of Ali Bilalakis Arapakis, mortgaging his estates.-1908-03-05
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