11961-11970 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Towards Rethymno mayor: The president of Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders sends a list of the Muslim families who left the countryside and who are asking for protection in Rethymno; in total 1025 families.-1923-07-10
To the General Administration/Department of Education Council of Rethimnis Muslim Elders informs that the teacher of religions at the Muslim Girls' School teaches 8 more hours per week.-1913-01-10; 1913-01-13
ACRGVE00004.jpg.jpgRethimnis Mouftis, answering to a relevant question, supports that the Muslim children in Perivolis Village should learn the Quran, study their religion and learn Turkish.-1919-07-04
ACRGVDIV00001.jpg.jpgThe municipality of Rethymno demands that the directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations of Rethymno orders the grave diggers not to bury anyone without the permission from the municipality.-1906-01-20
ACRGVDIV00017.jpg.jpgRethymno mufti transmits a document the head of the garisson by Council of Rethymno Muslim Elders concerning the administration of the Muslim Foundations.-1919-02-26
ACRGVDIV00040.jpg.jpgRethimnis Prefect asks the Moufti Rethimnis to inform him the same day about the exact number of the people serving at the foundation.-1917-06-12
Envelope to the Council of Muslim Elders of Rethymno of the General Administration of Crete.--
Kumkapı Mahallesi’nde okula gitmeye, meslek edinmeye müsaid çocuklar işsiz, bilgi ve terbiyeden yoksun olduklarından eğitimleri için Evkaf ve Eytam Meclisi ile Maarif Heyeti’nin tedbir almalarına dair Muhtar ve İhtiyar Heyeti’nin dilekçesi. [19 Haziran 1305]-1889-07-01
ACCEVF00070.jpg.jpgHünkar Mahallesi'nde Medrese Sokağı'ndaki Sakaraki Ali Şadi Efendi ve Biralaki Fuad Ağa'nın kiraladığı 2 evin tamir ücreti olan 36 frangın duvarcı Mihail Kakotaki tarafından Hanya Evkaf Sandığı'ndan alındığına dair makbuz.-1905-11-25
ACCEVF00052.jpg.jpgEvkaf ve Eytam Sandığı Emini Şeyh İbrahim Edhem Hilmi Efendi'nin tembihiyle dava vekillerinden Fakfurzade Ali Efendi'nin makbuz ilm-i haberi gereğince, sandıkta emanet parasının serdaraki Hasan Bey'e senet karşılığı verilmesine dair dilekçe-1891-03-10
11961-11970 / 15207


Issue Date