11921-11930 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
The Director asks 20 owners of the former Vakıf lands (all of them Christians) to pay the compensations to the Directorate according to the law 422, concerning the abolishment of the Evkafs.-1904-08-05
ACLEVPR00270.jpg.jpgThe Director informs Konstadinon Pnevmatikaki, occupant, that the leasing of the Evkaf lands expired therefore he has to pay his rent.-1904-03-21
Letter of the Merchant of the Village of Piskokefalo of Sitias Dimitrios Vazakis to the Directory of Muslim Religious Foundations of the Prefecture of Lasithiou concerning his interest of Purchasing half of a Wakf estate.-1916-01-02; 1916-01-12
İane-i Askeriye’nin derci hususunda bir takım ahalinin şüphelerinin İzalesi için her hafta listelerin matbu olarak yayınlanamsına dair Mirambela Kazası Maarif Reisi Mustafa Sadık imzalı tahrirat. [6 Mart 1302]-1886-03-18
Lasithiou Mouftis Moustafa Rahit informs the Supreme Administration of Education that the amount received by the Foundation as a court tax (Dikastika Tali) during February was 1904 dr. and that it had been sent to the customs house.-1904-03-11; 1904-03-12
Eytam ve Evkaf Meclis-i Aliyesi’ne takdim olunan muhasebe defteri. [23 Mart 1308]-1892-04-04
Üzerinde Şeref-i İlm ve Hüsn-i Ahlak ile iktisab edilir ibaresi bulunan bir belge. [11 Mart 1323]-1907-03-24
ACLGVPR00011.jpg.jpgStatement by the directorate of Lasithiou Muslim Foundations towards the Mayor of Ierapetras-1904-09-15
Gelen-Giden evrak Kayıt defteri [11 Mayıs 1311- 6 Şubat 1313]-1895-05-23; 1898-02-18
Numarası, ismi ve derecesi belirtilmiş muhtelif isimleri havi liste. (Açıklama bulunmamaktadır).--
11921-11930 / 15207


Issue Date