11891-11900 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Kandiye İslam Müessesat-ı Diniye İdaresi. Müessesat-ı Diniye Sandığı'na teslim olunan mebaliğe mahsus ilm-i haber koçanı (5 Kanun-i evvel-19 Kanun-i sani 1331)-1915-12-18; 1916-02-01
ACIEVFM00022.jpg.jpgKandiye Sofu Mehmed Paşa Mahallesi'nde sakine Melike binti Hüseyin Kalyapona adlı Seyyibe (boşanmış) Hanım ile gemici esnafından Mehmedaki Ali ibn Mehmed'in nikah akdi. [27 Şevval 1311]-1894-05-03
Dairenin tabi-i nakdiye-i fazla muhasebe defteri. [25 Zilkade 1265]-1849-10-12
Empty file for the translated decisions of the Muslim Council of Elders of Iraklion of the years 1917-1918.-1917; 1918
Akratos and Vasilakis Store of timber at Iraklio. Receipt of payment Hamoujas Arapahmetakis (?) payed 100, 45 Drachmes.-1912-02-13
Decision of Muslim Council of Elders of Irakliou concerning the sale of Muslim Religious Foundations' Director's building (Mesrouti hanes) serving for the service of the Sacristan (Neokorou) of the Minare of the Mosque of Defterdar İbrahim Aga.-1906-05-26
The President of the Muslim Foundations Irakliou, Ivrahim Housein Najet, Notes that on the back of the Kapountan Ivrahim Pahia Mosque there is a shop (magazion) of which half is owned by Demir Velounaki and half by his sister.-1907-02-19; 1907-06-13
Note of the Prefecture accompanying the dispatchment of the prefecture's decision no. 3230/120 and decision of the prefecture approving of the decisions of Muslim Council of Elders: no.507, no. 607 and 672/1906 concerning sale of the some estates.-1905-09-16; 1906-08-17
The Nomarch of Irakliou does not accept the real estates owned by the Teke Halvetidon to be sold as the excact borders of the land to be sold are not clear/17 March 1914. Decision no 1771 of the Muslim Elders concerning the same matter.-1914-03-19
ACIEVPR00165.jpg.jpgTopaltı Mukataasından İbrahimoğlu Çakaki'nin mutasarrıf olduğu zeytin ağaçlarının 1305 senesi aşar bedeli olan 193,5 kuruşun ödendiğine dair makbuz. [21 Teşrin-i Sani 1306]-1890-12-03
11891-11900 / 15207


Issue Date