11841-11850 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Newspaper "Anagennisis" ("Renaissance") edited once a week, Rethymno. Director: Th. Papadakis.-1906-05-23
Kavala Cemaat-i İslamiye'nin mekatip ve evkaf varidatından 5 Kanun-i Sani 1921 -28 Şubat 1921 tarihleri arasında müstecirler yedinden alınan meblağa dair makbuz ilm-i haberi-1921-01-05; 1921-02-28
Laşid Evkaf Sandığına 4 Teşrin-i Evvel 1308 İla 24 Şubat 1308 tarihleri arasında teslim olunan mebaliğin makbuz ilm-i haberidir.-1892-10-16; 1893-03-08
ACCEVC00019.jpg.jpgMevlide Kasabola ve Adile Limonopola tezkiyeleri bozuk ve iş ü işret ettiklerinden tedib edilib mahalleden çıkarılarak başka mahalleye nakli için Hünkar Mahallesi sakinlerinden Kostaki Hacı Edhem Efendi tarafından verilen dilekçe.-1890-11-12
The Recruitment Office of Crete to the Moufti of Rethimnis. M. Varnavas asks if Remandan Volionitakis is Halifes or Hiehis because they had been presented as Halifes at the Alemtaraki Behaedin Teke and as Heihis at the Teke of Halveji.-1918-01-25; 1918-02-07
ACCEVC00042.jpg.jpgKumkapı sakinelerinden Hacı Şerif Ana'nın kendi aleyhinde konuşması ve kayınpederine iftirada bulunduğundan Hacı Şerif Ana'nın cezalandırılması hususunda Emine binti Korubekraki'nin dilekçesi. [4 Teşrin-i Sani 1303]-1887-11-16
ACRGVPR00004.jpg.jpgCity of Crete, the Muninipality of Eleftherneon, Mayor Drosakis. Towards the Administration of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations: leasing of a land at the location Stomio by Georgios Koniakis to be confirmed.-1902-03-29
Rethimnis Mouftis quote the relevant laws of the 'City of Crete' and supports that he never had the right to administer the land property of the Evkaf.-1919-08-28
ACRGVP00019.jpg.jpgGeneral Administration of Crete. To Housni Tselepakin: Shipment of his official appointment as Bailiff at the Rethimnis Holy Court (Ierodikion).-1912-10-20
ACRGVM00047.jpg.jpgRethimnis Prefect M. Papadakis asks the Moufti Rethimnis if there was an official Kapinoharti between Mehmet Serifaki of Moustafa and his wife.-1918-04-26
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Issue Date