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ACNEVE00002.jpg.jpgApplication of the responsible school-doctor of the new founded microbiologic and chemical laboratory for schools to Muslim Council of Elders for the offering of 600 drahmes for the support of the laboratory.-1919-05-15
1. sınıf öğrencilerinin kıraat-ı Kerim, ulum-ı ilmiye, kıraat Ve imla derslerinde Mart-Nisan aylarında almış oldukları notları gösteren Muallim Mehmet imzalı not çizelgesi.--
ACNEVDIV00102.jpg.jpgİsmail Hakkı ve Esseyyid Kamil mühürlü hususi bir mektup. [9 Cemaziyelevvel 1287]-1870-08-07
ACNDIV00024.jpg.jpgRahtakaların keşide olunan kuraların puslaları ve zarfı.--
Propositions by Nazife Mouladopoula and Natzige Mouladopoula against Tzemali Nami Mouladakis: The plaintiffs support that the defendant and their father is rich and is obliged to take care of his children.-1907-12-21
ACREVC00026.jpg.jpgEdehem Vrahnadakis, resident of Rethymo, to Rethymo mayor; he declares that on Rosson Street he owns a store which is occupied by Hasan Ef. (Efendi) Klaronakis, trader, for 360 drachmas per year.-1908-09-18; 1908-09-22
Towards the General Administration of Crete (Genikin Diikisin Kritis).Georgios Psarakis, policeman (Horofilaks) used two shops. He still has the keys. They ask that the keys are returned to them.-1919-03-04
ACNGVEP00020.jpg.jpgCommission Mixte pour l'Échange des Populations grecque et turque. Bon de voyage transport gratuit - Türk ve Yunan Ahalisi Mübadele-i Muhtelite Komisyonu. Meccanen seyahat ve nakliye bileti.--
ACNGVDIV00023.jpg.jpgOfficial programme concerning the high commissioner prince Georgios' coming to Crete. Programme of the celebrations concerning schools, churches, streets etc.-1904-12-08
ACREVC00062.jpg.jpgRethymno holy judge asks the captain of the gendarmerie to prevent Omer Soubasakis to leave Ag. Eirini village.-1910-07-25
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