11801-11810 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Application by Demvih Vrouvaki, resident of Sitias, guardian of the orphans of the late Housein Nebaki or Lagoudaki from Ramnoni Sitias Village towards Lasithiou Ottoman Bank for the orphans.-1904-12-20
The Director of the Lasithinou Muslim Foundations sends Mr. George Sarolidi (?) a copy of the law suit of the under age orphan child of the late Moustafa Fehmi Mouratoglou agianst Konstadinou Arhajidaki.-1904-10-09
ACLEVO00151.jpg.jpgYerapetreli Velizade Hasan zevcesi eytamının emlakı taksim ve ispat-ı rüşd eden Ali'nin hissesinin tefrikine dair ilm-i haber. [26 Haziran 1292]-1876-07-08
ACLEVP00027.jpg.jpgMekteb-i Rüşdiye kapıcısının maaşını Laşid Sancağı Maarif Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair pusula. [28 Şubat 1309]-1894-03-12
Hüseyin Nebaki eytamının emlakini gösteren defter.-1902-09-19
Letter of the Administration's Director of Muslim Religious Foundations to Konstantinon Drakaki's notary asking the delivery of the warrants of attorney concenring the liquidation of Selim Ousta Mehmetaki's auctioned estate. Also reply of the notary.-1914-06-24; 1914-06-27
ACNEVE00001.jpg.jpgAhali-i Müslime’nin servet sahiplerinden tahsil olunduğu halde Maarif-i İslamiye Nizamnamesi’ne derc edilen ücret-i tedrisiye hakkında Meclis-i Umumi-i İslam azası tarafından tanzim olunan mazbata sureti. [30 Mayıs 1297]-1881-06-11
Replying letter of the Notary of Neapolis Dimitris Lirakis to the Administration of Muslim Religious Foundations of Lasithiou Concerning the auction ınitiated by Moustafa HajiIvraimaki and the dispatched related document No. 15189.-1915-09-29
To Prince of the Greeks Georgion, High Commissioner. The Muslim Directorate's President complains for the law according to which all Monoteli Vakoufia are going to become private properties of the managers and states-1901-07-07
Letters of N. Karakoudakis, lawyer at the case of the Wakf Metoch (Vakoufikou Metohiou) Dramio(?), to his brother Yeorgaki and an honored and dear friend.-1905-04-23; 1905-04-30
11801-11810 / 15207


Issue Date