11781-11790 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACIEVPR00011.jpg.jpgKandiye Kapudan İbrahim Paşa Camii’ne ait kiralık bir evin kiracısı İspirlangalı Gemici Yakoma Ahmed'in biriken kirasının tahsili hakında Kandiye Evkaf Muhasebe Müdürlüğü'nün yazısı. [9 Ağustos 1300]-1884-08-21
The Iraklio Muslim Foundations' Director complaints that there are a lot of individuals who owe to the directorate the money of the compensation for ex evkaf lands and he proposes the appointment of an employee of the Council in order to collect the money.-1905-09-16
Decision of the Muslim Council approving the proposition of ivrahim Baba, Hiehis and Moutevelis of the Tekke of Halvetidon or Haji Ahmet Hilali Baba to sell the estates belonging to the tekke due to pressure by his creditors for a debt.-1901-03-05
Declaration for the resumption of the public auction held on the 3rd of November 1901 concerning the sale of a deserted shop at the Market Vezir, which belongs to the wakf offerings of Kapetan Ivrahim Pahia.-1901-11-10
ACIEVP00089.jpg.jpg1300 senesi Teşrin-i Sani ayına ait 1 aylık maaşı olan 200 kuruşu Kandiye Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair İbrahim Fuad imzalı senet. [5 Kanun-i Evvel 1300]-1884-12-17
Muhtarus Camii İmamı ve Hatip ve Müezzini olan İbrahim Efendi'nin 1291 Ağustos-Eylül dönemine ait maaşını aldığına dair pusula.-1875
ACIEVP00057.jpg.jpg“Kandiye İslam Sandığı yevmiye defteri” etiketi [Mart 1310]-1894-03-01
ACLEVO00024.jpg.jpgHüseyin Abramaki'nin biraderi Hasan Abramaki'nin yetimleri mülklerinin iltizam edildiğinin Kastilyanaki Kakul Efendiye ifade edildiğine dair Müessesat-ı Diniye Müdürü Ahmed Veliyüddin imzalı mektup. [24 Şubat 1329]-1914-03-09
Letter to the Administration of Muslim Religious Foundations of Lasithiou from I.R. Koundouros(?), Lawyer of Eman. Ladaki, concerning the lawsuit against the Directory and the Orphans Bank concerning the distraint of his property. [27 Kanun-i Sani 1329]-1914-02-08
Application of Moustafa Babalaki, son of Mehmet, to Muslim Council of Elders of Lasithiou asking that he is appointed guardian for deceased Hazires Dermijaki's orphan Zehra, whose father, Souman Vahisaki.-1912-05-22
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