11261-11270 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Rethymno Council of Muslim Elders approves decision of the Family Council of orphan Moustafa of late Fatoume Kalatalidopoula(?) of Giounous, wife of Housein Bestrakis, to authorize guardian Hatzi (Hacı) Mehmet Bestrakis to sell to Georgios Kounoupas child's estate.-1908-05-29
ACREVP00056.jpg.jpgResmo Müftüsü İbrahim Nuri Efendi'ye Ulum-ı Maksurenin talim ve tedrisine 200 kuruş ilave maaş ile bir müderris tayini ile ilgili Resmo İhtiyar Meclisi'nin yazısı. [29 Teşrin-i Sani 1338]-1922-11-29
Selanik Müftüsü Ahmed Efendi’ye Resmo Sancağından Mekteb-i Kebir-i İslam Müdürü Kazım Efendi’nin Mektubu. [4 Nisan 1336]-1920-04-04
ACREVP00108.jpg.jpgLetter of the prefect: H. Papadakis towards the manager of Rethymno Muslim Elders: They have to send again the list with all the mosques and the people who work there to be used for the budget of the year 1922-1923.-1923-03-15
ACREVP00023.jpg.jpgWarrant for payment of the directorate of Muslim Religious Foundations of Rethymno to Halil Koumiotakis for his wages of the month of May 1910 of a total sum of 10 drachmas as chanter at the Mosque of Kapediana.-1910-06-02
Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders accepts the decision of the Family Council of orphans of the late Halil Vakoglakis to authorize guardian of the children Hatzi (Hacı) Ferit Sinoubeledakis(?).-1908-04-27
Letter of the administration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations to the prefect of Rethymno: After their request they send a list with all the mosques of the province of Rethymno and the people working there.-1923-03-20
Veliyüddin Paşa Vakfı’ndan Pokrili (?) Haydar Ağa evlatlarının Resmo Kazası’ndaki mülkleri ve gallelerinin Ağustos 1309'ten itibaren 4 sene müddetle 400 kuruş bedel ile Adile Hanım Haydaropola'ya icar ve iltizam edildiğine dair icar kontratosu.-1893-10-22
Towards Rethymno Court of First Instance. Law suit of the directorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations, represented by the director Kiamis Veisagadakis against Emmanouil Mattheou Agiotakis.-1909-12-04
Lease of the directorate of Rethymno Muslim Foundations concerning the ewkaf lands of the Roumeli Mosque in Roumeli of Melidoni from the 1st of August 1914 to the 31th of July 1918; highest bid by Petros Skarvelakis; last highest offer by Moustafa Volionitakis.-1914-08-31; 1914-09-07
11261-11270 / 15207


Issue Date