11211-11220 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACIGVPR00006.jpg.jpgAnnouncement of the Municipality of Irakliou concerning the exposure from that day on of the tax-listsfor the buildings-tax and the leased buildings of the Municipality, at the building of the Municipality.-1910-11-12
ACIGVM00010.jpg.jpgTowards the President of the Muslim Community of Irakliou of Crete: Those Muslims who can not afford to exchange their servise at the army will have to serve their duty.-1923-02-09
ACIGVPR00001.jpg.jpgLetter of the President of the Council of the Muslim Elders Towards the Nomarch of Iraklion protesting about the seizure of a mosque by Christians at Arijani Monofatsiou.-1919-05-16
ACLEVO00149.jpg.jpgMehmed Şükrü Efendi'nin İslam Eytam Sandığına verecekli olduğu ve tesviyesini taahhüd ettiği halde hastalığından neşet eylemiş ise de Birkaç güne değin tesviye-i irsal etmek üzere akçenin tedarikinde bulunduğuna dair tahrirat. [8 Teşrin-i Sani 1292]-1876-11-20
Letter of the Supervisor of the Orphans Properties of the Prefecture of Lasithiou, Ahmet V. Hajiefendaki, to Moustafa Kapetan HajIvraimaki, guardian of the orphans of Halil HajIvraimaki concerning an incomprehensible letter of the latter to the Supervisor-1913-12-21
The Supervisor of Orphan Properties of the Ottoman Elders of Lasithiou. Towards the Ali Hatzalaki and Ivraim Tsamantaki: They're asked to participate at the Family Council about the appointment of guardian to the orphans.-1904-06-15
Nousouret Kapoutoulaki, Resident of Ierapetras against the Ottoman Bank for the Orphans of Lasithi, represented by the Director Ahmet, Zeki Azizaki (?) in presence of the Ierapetras Peace Tribunal.-1902-11-22
ACLEVO00105.jpg.jpgÇocukları Hasan ve Salih Efendilerin nafakaları hakkında Kaguş İslam Eytam Dairesindeki akçelerinden yapılan ödeme hakkında Vasileri Mustaf Ahilmi imzalı senet [5 Mayıs 1293]-1877-05-17
ACLEVO00124.jpg.jpgVasisi bulunduğu Kethudaoğlu Molla Osman yetimi Hüseyin'in emlakının satışı ile ilgili istida. [3 Kanun-i Sani 1303]-1888-01-15
ACLEVO00053.jpg.jpgKandiyeli Zenciye Zeynep'in Laşid İslam Eytam Sandığı'ndaki akçesine mahsuben 500 kuruş aldığına dair pusula. [26 Rebiyül-Ahir 1292]-1876-07-08
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Issue Date