10931-10940 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACREVSC00014.jpg.jpgAraki Ömer Lütfü Efendi'nin Evkaf Muhasebeciliği'ne intihab olunmadan evvel Evkaf İdaresi'nden aldığı 12 bin kuruşu mahsülsüzlük ve isyan sırasında düçar olduğu zarar sebebiyle ödeyemediğinden bahseden 14 Kanun-i sani 1306 tarihli arzuhali. [5 Mart 1307]-1891-03-17
ACRGVFM00007.jpg.jpgRethimnis Mouftis answering to a relevant question, certifies that between the couple Tafe Kazixidaki of Ahmet and Nourige Saloglaki of Hasan there was a premarriage agreement (gift-kapini) of 701000 Aspra = 820,17 dr.-1919-01-05
Rethimnis Financial Inspector asks Rethimnis Holy Court (Ierodikion) about the kapini left to Kaneo Barotoupoulan by her husband Rejep Moulamehmetaki and the kapini left to Nourizit Safoglaki by her husband Jafer Kazixidakis.-1919-01-04; 1919-01-08
ACRGVDIV00030.jpg.jpgTo the President of Rethimnis Muslim Community Rethimnis prefect informs him that the General Commander of the island asked him to thank sincerely the Muslim Community for sending condolences for the death of King George.-1913-03-14
ACRGVDIV00033.jpg.jpgRethimnis Office of the Translator to Rethimnis ierodikin: shipment of the application by Hatijes Arazouhaljopoulas, daughter of Resit Arjouhaljidaki against Housein Pervanaki, translated from Greek to Turkish.-1912-07-16
ACRGVDIV00028.jpg.jpgRethimnis Mouftis informs the Prefect that he received the document No 2/1 of the 16th of September 1916 and he is going to act according to it.-1916-09-17
ACRGVF00006.jpg.jpgThe President of Council of Rethimnis Muslim Elders sends to the Prefect of Rethimnis the budget of the Muslim Foundations and asks for approval.-1918-04-25
ACRGVEP00003.jpg.jpgTo the President of the Second Committee for the Central Government [Exchange of populations] Rethimno.-1924-06-17
ACRGVDIV00024.jpg.jpgA document is sent to the Prefecture of Rethimnis by Rethimnis Mouftis.-1919-07-13
ACCEVF00765.jpg.jpgCelbi muktezi 100 kıta senedatın bedeli olan 474 Osmanlı lirasını Defter-i Hakani Nezareti'ne gönderilmek üzere Hanya Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Hanya Evkaf Muhasebecisi Ahmed Lebib imzalı senet . [11 Temmuz 1306]-1890-07-23
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Issue Date