10911-10920 / 15207
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Muhtelif hesapları ihtiva eden defter--
Cemaat-i İslamiye kitabetine havale olunan evrak--
Bailiff of the periphery of Rethymno Court of First Instance Pantelis G. Oikonomakis; in the name of lawyer Nikolaos D. Kaffatos, acting on behalf of director of Rethymno administration of Muslim Foundations Kiab Ef. (Efendi) Veisagadakis; towards Iakovos Antonakis.-1907-11-24
Decision of the committee composed of the Nomarch Yeoryios Moatsos, the county engineer Ioanis Stilianidis and the Mayor Stilianos Yeoryiou, about the recompensation to the coffee-house intended for the construction of the buliding of the municipality.-1914-02-12
Nikolaos Kastrinakis, states that according to the relevant regulation he has the right to have 3 "masouras" of water by the central deposit contacted to provide his garden in Mastabas quarter; he complains that this is not happening.-1910-04-27; 1910-05-01
ACREVDIV00001.jpg.jpgResmo Niyabet-i Şeriyye Vekalet-i Aliyesi'ne gönderilen Hanya Naib Vekili'nden 1 Şaban 1333 tarihinin Kandiye'de hangi güne geldiğinin (ruiyet-i hilal) sorulduğu bir belgedir. [18 Şaban 1333]-1915-07-01
Towards the director: The writer (?) informs the director of Rethymno Muslim Foundations that he has to take the oath in front of the court, concerning the case against D. Panakakis(?) and he asks if he is willing to do in personally or not.-1908-05-15
ACREVC00003.jpg.jpgSummons to the Peace Tribunal of Muslim Religious Foundations, represented by their director, Moustafa Kemal Karatzidakis to Georgios Pasadakis or Androulidakis for the case of the lawsuit of 13-7-1913 against him.-1915-03-26
To the managers of Vakıf lands: the Minister G. Kafadaris asks all the managers to make a statement of the exact properties and date of foundation of the Evkaf that they administer.-1918-03-09
G. Athanasiadis law office. Client: Rethymno Ewkaf / Opponent: Danialakis Nikolaos, Rethymno / Towards the Rethymno Court of First Appeal / Case: The Kara Mousa Pasa (Paşa) ewkaf.-1909-11-17
10911-10920 / 15207


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