10891-10900 / 15207
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ACLEVO00017.jpg.jpgBalaypiskopili İpsarakinin yetimi Mustafa'nın babasından intikal edip Eytam Sandığındaki akçesine mahsuben 450 kuruşun kendisine ödendiğine dair pusula. [30 Mayıs 1306]-1890-06-11
ACLEVO00055.jpg.jpgYerapetreli Kethüda oğlu Yusuf Ağa'nın yetimi Ahmed'in Laşid Eytam Sandığı'ndaki akçesine mahsuben 1200 kuruşu aldığına dair pusula. [20 Mayıs 1291]-1875-04-01
ACLEVJ00002.jpg.jpgYerapetre Laşid Evkaf muhasebeciliği canib-i alisine gönderilen İbrahim Murat Efendi'den nasihatvari ihtaratın zarfı. [20 Nisan 1312]-1896-05-02
ACLEVJ00003.jpg.jpgReceipt of the bailiff of the Court of First Instance of Lasithiou for the acceptance of a document concerning the Administration of the Muslim Foundations.-1904-03-16
Applications of Ivrahim Ramadan Moulavrahimaki, Salis Moustafa Oustihouseinaki, Fazil Tsibouxaki to the Mufti of Lasithiou asking for the editing of a certification of birth and religion demanded by the Ministry of Army.-1916-03-31; 1916-04-13
ACLGVP00009.jpg.jpgIn presence of Lasithiou Mouftis Moustafa Rahit imamzade Moustafa Vafokourakis, resident of Ierapetras is appointed Bailiff of the Directorate of Lasithiou Muslim Foundations.-1907-08-31
ACLGVP00011.jpg.jpgLasithiou Mouftis Moustafa Rahit informs the Prefecture of Lasithiou that Mehmet Zeirakis, Bailiff at the Foundation, received the permission to be absent from work for 8 days.-1910-02-04
ACLGVP00016.jpg.jpgLasithiou Mouftis sends to the prefecture of Lasithiou a salary list of the people working at the foundation for December-1907-12-31
Yarapetre Kasabası’nın iane-i askeriye defteri. [1 Mart 1302]-1886-03-13
ACNDIV00011.jpg.jpgHamide adlı Hanım'ın teyzesine yazmış olduğu mektup. [17 Şevval 1287]-1871-01-10
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