10671-10680 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Mayor I. Spiridas informs Iraklio Prefect that there is a small river at Vathioti location which was flooded and therefore pedestrians couldn't pass through public street and were rassing through the private farms next to street causing serious damages.-1905-02-15
Letter of the Director (of Muslim Religious Foundations of Lasithiou) to Konstantinon Stamatakin, lawyer at Iraklion, concerning and accompanying the requested documents at the letter of 23-4-1915 of lawyer to the directory. [tarih-i vurudu 12 Mayis 1331]-1925-05-25
The Supreme Administration of Education/Chania. Towards the Manager of Irakliou Muslim Foundations: The Advisor of Education and Justice States that it is impossible to prevent them spending money from the compensation for the Vakoufia.-1901-09-27
ACLEVDIV00018.jpg.jpgMahkeme-i Şeriyyede tanzim olunan askeri evrakı merbutatı ile Şer'iyye Katibi Hafız Mustafa Efendi'den aldığına dair Hamidiye Camii Hatib ve Müezzini Ahmed Hilmi imzalı ilm-i haber.-1922-09-12
ACIGVM00005.jpg.jpgOrder from the Mayor To Muslim Council of Elders for the requisition of the 7-class Muslim school near the Vezir Jami and the girls school at the location Heitan Oglu for the sheltering of soldiers during the recruitement of the following month.-1917-04-22
The Iraklio Prefect asks Council of the Iraklio Muslim Elders to provide a report concernig the amount of 1710 dr from which the Muslim Religious Servants should be payed.-1911-01-24
ACIGVP00009.jpg.jpgTo Council of the Iraklio Muslim Elders: the Administration of Education and Justice confirms the decision of the Council to appoint 3 employees for collecting the compensations for the turning of the vakif lands into private properties-1906-02-13
Prefecture of Irakliou. Real estate was bought by the Efkafion Irakliou at the Location Defterdar in the city of Irakliou, for 5833 kurus-1900-09-11
ACLEVO00150.jpg.jpgKethüda oğlu Yusuf Eytamı iltizam bedelinden mültezimi Cafer Ağa'dan tahsili 7000 küsur kuruşun Mültezim Cafer'in vefat etmesi ve vekili Hacı Ali ve oğlu Mehmed Ağa İskenderiye'de olduğundan iltizam bedelinin tahsilinin Mümkün olmadığına dair ilm-i haber.-1876-12-06
Laşid Eytam Sandığı'ndan istikraz eylediği 3350 kuruşun 1301 senesi taksitini masrafları ile birlikte 15 gün içinde ödemesiyle ilgili Pirasporili Karconaki Sadullah Ağa'ya gönderilen Laşid Livası Evkaf-ı Eytam İdaresi Mustafa Nuri imzalı tebligat. [31 Temmuz 1301]-1885-08-12
10671-10680 / 15207


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