10581-10590 / 15207
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Resmo sakinlerinden Evkaf ketebesinden Ali Haki Efendi ile Resmo sakinlerinden Resmo'daki Jandarma Taburunun Dördüncü Bölüğü Emini bulunan Amarya Kazası'ndaki Kalyoncuzaki Mustafa Efendi kiracı sıfatıyla aralarında yaptıkları kira sözleşmeleri.-1892-08-20; 1893-08-13
The Wakf estates of Hasan Partalakis, located at the Village Prinos comprising of a cultivated field of three Kile and an uncultivated one of two Kile at the location Kifoni, an one Kile cultivated field and a four Kile uncultivated one at the location.-1888-08-01
Christian Elders of village Episkopi of district of Argyroupoli testify that 10 "koilos" field with olive trees located at site Bazaniana that belonged by inheritance to Mousa Disdarakis.-1879-01-26
ACREVPR00093.jpg.jpgDedezade Mustafa Bey'in eşi Nesibe Hanım'ın evine aldığı bir masura su bedeli olarak 253 frangın ödendiğine dair makbuz. [17 Mart 1336]-1920-03-17
ACREVP00479.jpg.jpg1313 senesi Ağustos-Teşrin-i Sani dönemi maaşı olan 3600 kuruşu Resmo Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Resmo Meclis Reisi Edhem imzalı senet. [20 Şubat 1314]-1899-03-04
ACREVP00293.jpg.jpgApplication by Artemisia D. Melidoni, resident of Rethymno, towards the president of Rethymno Council of the Muslim Elders. The applicant asks to be appointed at Rethymno Muslim Girls' School as handcraft teacher.-1909-02-03
ACREVPR00043.jpg.jpgReceipt for the purchase of 284 okas of the treasury of Muslim Religious Foundations of Rethymno of a sum for the repairement works of the house belonging to the directorate.-1910-08-07
ACREVP00256.jpg.jpgTo the president of the Council of the Rethymno Muslim Elders. As there was no ship, a representative of the Education Council is coming late to Rethymno. Maybe he arrives on Saturday.-1921-04-25
ACREVP00344.jpg.jpgAdminstration of Rethymno Muslim Foundations: Receipt of payment. 20 drachmas is paid to Hasan Korkidakis as his salary for May (distributing water).-1910-06-01
Kara Musa Paşa Vakı’indan olarak Ali Bakaki Abdullah evlatlarının Resmo Kazasi, Marola Kariyesi’ndeki tarlasının 1306 Ağustos başlangıcından itibaren 4 sene müddetle 600 kuruş icar bedeliyle Kör Hacı Hüseyin Golarmaki'ye verildiğine dair icar kontratosu.-1891-02-06
10581-10590 / 15207


Issue Date