10241-10250 / 15207
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Laşid Sancağı Evkaf ve Eytam Dairesinde kullanılmak üzere Kandiye'den celbi lüzum görülen defterler ve muhasebeciye verilecek sandalyenin celbi hususunda alınan karar ve defter miktarı. [22 Haziran 1311]-1895-07-04
ACLEVF00575.jpg.jpgLiva Maarif Sandığı'ndan Estiye Kazası'na isabet eden 2000 kuruşu Liva Maarif Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Estiye Maarif Şubesi Reisi Hüseyin Tevfik ve sair aza tarafından mühürlenmiş tahrirat. [11 Mart 1298]-1882-03-23
ACLEVJ00059.jpg.jpgReplying note to the letter of the 12th of January 1916 of D. Vatsaki of the director of the Ewkaf of Lasithiou thanking him for his proposition and informing that he will have an answer after the related discussion of the Council.-1916-01-16
ACLEVJ00025.jpg.jpgLetter from Muslim Religious Foundations' Director to Emanouil Modatson asking him to notify the Directory in order to arrange a compromise for the solution of the conflicts between the latter.-1914-05-01
Application of the Administration of the Muslim Religious Foundation of Lasithiou To the Prefecture asking for the validation of the decision no 127, 11-12-1914, of Muslim Council of Elders of Lasithiou.-1914-12-30
ACLEVJ00043.jpg.jpgLetter of the Administration's Director of the Religious Foundations of Lasithiou to the proxy of the Administration iosif Koundouron concerning an appeal issued of Trapezanaki.-1913-12-26
ACLEVJ00022.jpg.jpgSelim Usta Mehmedaki'nin istidanamesi üzeine heyet tarafından sadır olan 12 Teşrin-i Sani 1328 tarihli ve 73 rakamlı kararın mütalaası. [12 Teşrin-i Sani 1328]-1912-11-25
Kendire ahalisinden Fatma binti Mustafa'nın Veli Tataraki ile evlendiklerini gösteren belge. [22 Receb 1294]-1877-08-02
ACLEVF00578.jpg.jpgİsfakiye İdare Başkatibi Basri Efendi'ni muhasebesi.--
Muslim Religious Foundations' Administration's Director's letter to Proxy Iosif Koundouron concerning deficit found at the Administration's Treasury after the court and administrative inspection due to the former Director Huseyn Moutafaki's actions.-1916-06-08; 1916-08-11
10241-10250 / 15207


Issue Date