10031-10040 / 15207
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Newspaper of the government at Crete. issue 1.-1911-01-29
Evolution of the welfare work and public health in Greece.--
List of exchanged populations between Turkey and Greece.--
In the presence of Rethymno notary Housein Haspi Saranakis; Kemal Ntetoglakis of Ali, farmer, sells to Ali Faik Ef. (Efendi) Pinialakis, landowner, a bill of exchange of 1610 drachmas owed to him by the Ottoman Bank for the orphans and the director Housein Veis (Bey) Alepa Zade.-1899-08-14
Rethymno Muslim Elders decided: Under the presidency of the Inspector Kiami Veisagadakis, Family Council of orphans of the late Mehmet Siderakis of Ali and the late Akinte Zakadopoula decided to appoint Aziz Karalakis of Fafoul guardian of children.-1907-02-17
Mortgage debt contract including interests, compilated between landowner Mehmet Emin Efendis Kantidakis and Emin Efendis (Efendi) Manarakis, secretary of the Court of First Instance as debtors, and the Muslim Orphans' Bank of Rethymno.-1899-10-28
Muhtelif kaza ve köylerde yetimlere ait miras işleri ile ilgili İslam Eytam Sandığı'nca alınan kararların kayıtlarının tutulduğu defter. [1318-1319]-1902
Resmo Şehrinde Mukim Ömeraki Ömer Atıf Efendi tarafından Mollazaki Cemal Nami Efendi aleyhine ihbarname ve tutanaklar. [Mart 1312]-1896-03
The Council decided that Hasan Giaslidakis, replacing Sinamekakis, will be from now on the guardian of the under age children, Ahmet, Hakan, Hantintze, of the dead Kaber Mahmoutakis.-1908-09-10
Book of verdicts of Council of Rethymno Muslim Elders.-1908; 1910
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