Letter from Gemma Fabiato to Elena Pecci about Aurora Fabiato’s troubles to obtain permit of staying in Istanbul from Turkish authorities in absence of Italian passport or identity card. Aurora Fabiato was adopted because of that she wasn’t Italian citizen.
DC Field | Value | Language |
dc.date.accessioned | 2018-09-09T11:03:04Z | - |
dc.date.available | 2018-09-09T11:03:04Z | - |
dc.identifier | AFMFB070015 | |
dc.identifier.other | 82627 | |
dc.identifier.uri | https://archives.saltresearch.org/handle/123456789/29514 | - |
dc.format | Handwritten | |
dc.language | İtalyanca - Italian | |
dc.rights | Open Access | |
dc.title | Letter from Gemma Fabiato to Elena Pecci about Aurora Fabiato’s troubles to obtain permit of staying in Istanbul from Turkish authorities in absence of Italian passport or identity card. Aurora Fabiato was adopted because of that she wasn’t Italian citizen. | |
dc.type | Mektup - Letter | |
dc.note | The draft letter was probably written between July and August 1931. | |
dc.location | SALT Research | |
dc.catalogedby | Emiliano Bugatti | |
dc.date.cataloged | 2011-00-00 | |
dc.format.numberofscans | 12 | |
dcterms.accrualMethod | Purchase | |
Collections | Documents |