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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Personnel record, employement agreement and correspondences about Mr. Harry Bruton. Born in Chicago US, 1918, US citizen, doctor, field representative of WCC in Turkey]-1956-01-10; 1957-02-26
Personnel record, request for annual leave, correspondences of Miss Anna Kapitchitch. Born in Athens, Greece, 03.12.1926. Nationality: Yugoslav (now stateless). Occupation: secretary-1956-05-01; 1957-09-12
Personnel record, employement agreement and correspondences about Mr. Habib Ayral. Born in Mardin, 1907, turk, protestant, english teacher-1956-05-24; 1957-03-11
Personnel record, employement agreement and correspondences about Miss Aza Bessollt. Born in Prague, 1926, Albanian, resettlement officer-1953-11-16; 1957-10-17
Personnel record, request for annual leave, correspondences of Mr. Hamdi Karadeniz. Born in Develi, Kayseri, 1926. Nationality: Turkish. Occupation: janitor-1957-06-01; 1959-09-14
Personnel record, employement agreement and correspondences about Mrs. Fahrunissa Bukey. Born in İstanbul, 1902, administrative officer-1957-09-20; 1960-02-25
Personnel record and employment agreement of Mr. Niko Stefanos Stefanides. [Turkish, welfare officer, born in İstanbul 1925]-1957-09-09; 1971-12-02
Employement agreement and correspondences about Mr. Wilmos Lukacko. Born in İzmir, 1929, Hungarian, secretary and translation assistant-1957-05-13; 1957-07-30
Application for employment and inter-office memorandum of Mrs. Margarita Konstantinidis. Born in İstanbul, 1932. Nationality: Turkish-1957-08-06; 1957-08-27
Personnel record, correspondences of Mr. mehmet Fikret Ali Keçecioğlu. Born in İzmir, Turkey, 27.11.1926. Occupation: liaison officer with the Turkish police and admin. work.-1957-01-01; 1958-03-10
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