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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
DUB222001.jpg.jpg"ODTÜ Sanat Festivali 3: Plastik Sanatlar Sergisi" (ODTÜ Kültür ve Kongre Merkezi, Ankara, 2001), sergi afişi - "METU Art Festival 3: Fine Arts Exhibition" (METU Culture and Congress Center, Ankara, 2001), exhibition poster-2001-04-02; 2001-04-22
DUB219001.jpg.jpg"Her Vitrin Bir Galeri" (Nişantaşım Derneği, İstanbul, 1994) sergi afişi - "Each Showcase is a Gallery" (Nişantaşım Foundation, Istanbul, 1994), exhibition poster-1994-11-24; 1994-12-04
DUB225001.jpg.jpg"Çağdaş Türk Sanatında Resim ve Kavramsal Eğilimler 2" (Koç Üniversitesi, İstanbul, 1995), sergi afişi - "Painting and Conceptual Trends in Contemporary Turkish Art" (Koc University, Istanbul, 1995), exhibition poster-1995-11-02; 1995-11-30
DUB212001.jpg.jpg"İsim Şehir" (Kartal Bülent Ecevit, Ümraniye Atakent ve Cennet Küçükçekmece Kültür Merkezi, İstanbul, 2008), sergi broşürü - "Memory City" (Kartal Bülent Ecevit, Ümraniye Atakent and Cennet Küçükçekmece Cultural Center, Istanbul, 2008), exhibition brochure-2008-12-27; 2009-02-10
DUB112001.jpg.jpgHüseyin Bahri Alptekin, Gülsün Karamustafa ve Michael Morris, Karamustafa'nın "Hatıra" işiyle, "Efes: Hayal-i Tarih" sergisi, Efes, 1995 - Hüseyin Bahri Alptekin, Gülsün Karamustafa and Michael Morris with Karamustafa's work "Souvenir", "Ephesus: The Imagination of History" exhibition, Ephesus, 1995-1995-09-23; 1995-10-10
DUB110001.jpg.jpgHakan Onur, "Yalan Dünya" (1995), "Efes: Hayal-i Tarih" sergisinden görünüm, Efes, 1995 - Hakan Onur, "False World" (1995), installation view from the exhibition "Ephesus: The Imagination of History", Ephesus, 1995Hakan Onur1995-09-23; 1995-10-10
DUB107001.jpg.jpgSelda Asal "Efes: Hayal-i Tarih" sergisindeki "(Hi)story Book and False Information Board" işiyle, 1995 - Selda Asal with her work "(Hi)story Book and False Information Board" presented in the exhibition "Ephesus: The Imagination of History", 1995Selda Asal1995-09-23; 1995-10-10
İpek Duben, "Artemis I" (1995), "Efes: Hayal-i Tarih" sergisinden görünüm, Efes, 1995 - İpek Duben, "Artemis I" (1995), installation view from the exhibition "Ephesus: The Imagination of History", Ephesus, 1995İpek Duben1995-09-23; 1995-10-10
"1. Sinop Bienali (Sinopale): Şey" (Sinop Hapishanesi - Pervane Medresesi - Etnografya Müzesi - Şehir Merkezi, Sinop, 2006), sergi broşürü - "1st Sinop Biennale (Sinopale): Thing" (Sinop Penitentiary - Pervane Medresesi - Etnography Museum - City Center, Sinop, 2006), exhibition brochure-2006-08-15; 2006-09-03
"Threads: Interweaving Textu[r]al Meaning" (The Center for Book Arts, New York, 2009)-DUB241
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