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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
INPTTH025.jpg.jpgPosta ve Telgraf Umum Müdürü Sırrı Bey - Post and Telegraph General Manager Sırrı Bey--
INPTTH023.jpg.jpgPosta ve Telgraf Nazırı İstanbuliyan Efendi, 1327 / 1911 - Post and Telegraph Minister İstanbuliyan Efendi, 1911--
INPTTH024.jpg.jpgPosta ve Telgraf Nazırı Hasan Ali Efendi - Post and Telegraph Minister Hasan Ali Efendi--
Posta ve Telgraf Nazırı Yaver Paşa - Post and Telegraph Minister Yaver Paşa--
INPTTH019.jpg.jpgPosta ve Telgraf Nazırı Talât Paşa - Post and Telegraph Minister Talat Paşa--
Dersaadet Telefon Şirketi antetli, Müdîr-i Umûmî F. Douglas Watson'un Tıb Fakültesi Riyaset-i Aliyesi'ne Tıb Fakültesi muayenehanesine bir telefon vaz ve tesis edilmesi talebine dair cevaben gönderdiği yazışma, 7 Teşrin-i Sani 1339 ve 12 Teşrin-i Sani 1339 tarihli - Lettre du 7 novembre 1923 de F. Douglas-Watson Directeur de la Société des Téléphones de Constantinople à Dr. Vasfi Bey, Président de la Faculté de Médecine concernant l'installation d'un téléphone à la Clinique de la Faculté de Médecine - Letter from F. Douglas-Watson General Manager of the Istanbul Telephone Turkish Incorporated Company, to Dr. Vasfi Bey, President of the Faculty of Medicine concerning the installation of a telephone at the Clinic of the Faculty of Medicine, 7 november 1923F. Douglas Watson1923-11-07; 1923-11-12
INPTTDOC032.jpg.jpgAvis impirimé de la Société A. T. des Téléphones de Constantinople - Dersaadet Telefon Türk Anonim Şirketi'nin matbu ihtarnamesi - Printed notice of İstanbul Telephone Turkish Incorporated Company--
Facture de la Société Anonyme Ottomane des Téléphones de Constantinople, émis à Mehmed Sadık, sis à 109 Bab Ali Caddesi - Dersaadet Telefon Anonim Şirketi Osmaniyesi, Bab Ali Caddesi, 109'da kain Mehmed Sadık adına kesilen fatura - Invoice of İstanbul Telephone Ottoman Incorporated Company issued in the name of Mehmed Sadık located at Bab Ali Caddesi, 109-1923-11-01; 1923-11-03
INPTTDOC030.jpg.jpgReçu de la Société Anonyme Ottomane des Téléphones de Constantinople émis au nom des Frères Atlamazoglou - Dersaadet Telefon Anonim Şirketi Osmaniyesi tarafından Atlamazoğlu Kardeşlere kesilen fatura - Receipt of İstanbul Telephone Ottoman Incorporated Company issued in the name of Atlamazoglou Brothers-1922-12-14
Michel Triandaphyllopoulos Maison Kouleli, Matériels Electriques et Téléphoniques. 26, 45 Rue Voivoda Galata - Mihalaki Triandafilopulos, Kuleli elektrik ve telefon malzemesi deposu. Galata Voyvoda Caddesi numero 26, 45 - Michel Triandaphyllopoulos Maison Kouleli, Electrical and Telephone Equipment, 26, 45 Voivoda Street Galata-1925-01-05
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