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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Acte de transfert de la Société Anonyme Ottomane des Téléphones de Constantinople - Dersaadet Osmanlı Telefon Anonim Şirketi telefon nakil belgesi - Deed of telephone transfer of the Ottoman Telephone Company of Constantinople--
INPTTDOC015.jpg.jpgReçu de la Société Anonyme Turque des Téléphones de Constantinople, émis au nom de Bedros İskenderyan - Bedros Jakenderyan adına İstanbul Telefon Türk Anonim Şirketi makbuzu - Constantinople Telephone Ottoman Incorporated Company receipt issued in the name of Bedros İskenderyan-1933-03-06
INPTTDOC020.jpg.jpgSerope Kapamadjian, Dépôt d'Articles d'Éléctricité de Téléphone et de Disque Odéon sis à Bahtché Kapou Hamidié Djaddesi no:38 - Bahçe Kapu, Hamidiye Caddesi numero 38'de Telefon da satan Serope Kapamacıyan firmasına ait fatura - Invoice of Serope Kapamadjian, Electricity Items, Telephone and Odeon Disk Depot located at Bahtché Kapou Hamidié Djaddesi no:38--
INPTTDOC019.jpg.jpgRaoul Franco, entreprise d'installations de lumière, téléphone, sonnerie, décorations lumineuses, avertisseurs de vol etc. - Telefon da satan Raoul Franco firmasına ait fatura - Invoice of Raoul Franco. Company of light installation, telephone, bell, light decorations, theft alarms etc.-1910-11-24
Reçu de la Société Anonyme Turque des Téléphones de Constantinople émis au nom de Chevket Bey - Şevket Bey adına Dersaadet Telefon Türk Anonim Şirketi makbuzu - Constantinople Telephone Ottoman Incorporated Company receipt issued in the name of Chevket Bey--
INPTTDOC011.jpg.jpgRıfat Efendi adına Samsun şehri telefonu abone bedelâtına mahsus makbuz ilmuhaberi - Receipt certificate of Samsun city telephone subscription fees in the name of Rıfat Efendi-1919-01-01; 1921
INPTTH027.jpg.jpgPosta ve Telgraf Nazırı İzzet Efendi, 1293-1294, 1296-1304 / 1877-1879, 1880-1888 - Post and Telegraph Minister İzzet Efendi, 1877-1879, 1880-1888--
INPTTH028.jpg.jpgPosta ve Telgraf Umum Müdürü Mehmet Sabri Bey, 1920-1923 - Post and Telegraph General Manager Mehmet Sabri Bey, 1920-1923--
INPTTH022.jpg.jpgPosta ve Telgraf Nazırı İbrahim Haydar Efendi, 1294-1296 / 1879-1880 - Post and Telegraph Minister İbrahim Haydar Efendi, 1879-1880--
INPTTH026.jpg.jpgPosta, Telgraf ve Telefon Umum Müdürü Mehmet Fahri (Şundur) Bey, 1923-1933 - Post, Telegraph and Telephone General Manager Mehmet Fahri (Şundur) Bey, 1923-1933--
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