| "Ahmet Öğüt ve Borga Kantürk" sergisi (Platform GSM, 2005), basın bülteni - "Ahmet Öğüt and Borga Kantürk" exhibition (Platform CAC, 2005), press release | - | 2005 |
 | "Ahmet Öğüt ve Borga Kantürk" sergisi (Platform GSM, 2005-2006), duyuru - "Ahmet Öğüt and Borga Kantürk" exhibition (Platform CAC, 2005-2006), announcement | - | 2005-12-20; 2006-01-28 |
 | At Platform Garanti: New Exhibition and Talk | - | 2005 |
| "Ahmet Öğüt ve Borga Kantürk" sergisi (Platform GSM, 2005-2006), davetiye - "Ahmet Öğüt and Borga Kantürk" exhibition (Platform CAC, 2005-2006), invitation | - | 2005-12-20; 2006-01-28 |
 | Borga Kantürk and Ahmet Öğüt at Platform Garanti | Daniel Belasco | - |
 | Vasıf Kortun ve Ahmet Öğüt söyleşisi - Interview with Vasıf Kortun and Ahmet Öğüt | - | 2005 |
 | "Ahmet Öğüt ve Borga Kantürk" sergisinin (Platform GSM, 2005) iş etiketleri - Work captions of "Ahmet Öğüt and Borga Kantürk" exhibition (Platform CAC, 2005) | - | 2005 |
| Ahmet Öğüt "Devrim" işini kurarken, "Ahmet Öğüt ve Borga Kantürk" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2005 - Ahmet Öğüt installing his work "Devrim", "Ahmet Öğüt and Borga Kantürk" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005 | - | 2005 |
 | Halil Altındere ve Borga Kantürk (soldan sağa) "Ahmet Öğüt ve Borga Kantürk" sergisinin kurulumunda, Platform GSM, 2005 - Halil Altındere and Borga Kantürk during the installation of "Ahmet Öğüt and Borga Kantürk" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005 | - | 2005 |
 | Borga Kantürk, "İsimsiz" fotoğraflar, "Ahmet Öğüt ve Borga Kantürk" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2005 - Borga Kantürk, "Untitled" photographs"Ahmet Öğüt and Borga Kantürk" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005 | Borga Kantürk | 2005 |
| "Ahmet Öğüt ve Borga Kantürk" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2005 - "Ahmet Öğüt and Borga Kantürk" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005 | Ahmet Öğüt, Osman Bingöl, Borga Kantürk | 2005 |
 | "Ahmet Öğüt ve Borga Kantürk" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2005 - "Ahmet Öğüt and Borga Kantürk" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005 | Borga Kantürk | 2005 |
| "Ahmet Öğüt ve Borga Kantürk" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2005 - "Ahmet Öğüt and Borga Kantürk" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005 | Ahmet Öğüt, Osman Bingöl | 2005; 2003 |
 | Ahmet Öğüt ve Osman Bingöl, "İsimsiz"(2003), "Ahmet Öğüt ve Borga Kantürk" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2005 - Ahmet Öğüt and Osman Bingöl, "Untitled" (2003), "Ahmet Öğüt and Borga Kantürk" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005 | Ahmet Öğüt | 2003; 2005 |
| "Ahmet Öğüt ve Borga Kantürk" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2005 - "Ahmet Öğüt and Borga Kantürk" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005 | Ahmet Öğüt, Osman Bingöl, Borga Kantürk | 2005 |
| Borga Kantürk, "Sahibinin Sesi ve Mihri Müşfik", "Ahmet Öğüt ve Borga Kantürk" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2005 - Borga Kantürk, "His Master's Voice and Mihri Müşfik", "Ahmet Öğüt and Borga Kantürk" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005 | Borga Kantürk | 2005 |
| "Borga Kantürk resim sergisi", "Ahmet Öğüt ve Borga Kantürk" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2005 - "Borga Kantürk painting exhibition", "Ahmet Öğüt and Borga Kantürk" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005 | Borga Kantürk | 2003; 2005 |
| Borga Kantürk, "You'll never walk alone!", "Ahmet Öğüt ve Borga Kantürk" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2005 - Borga Kantürk, "You'II never walk alone!", "Ahmet Öğüt and Borga Kantürk" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005 | Borga Kantürk | 2003; 2005 |
| Borga Kantürk, "The House on Chalk Cliffs" (2003), "Ahmet Öğüt ve Borga Kantürk" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2005 - Borga Kantürk, "The House on Chalk Cliffs" (2003), "Ahmet Öğüt and Borga Kantürk" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005 | Borga Kantürk | 2003; 2005 |
| Ahmet Öğüt, "Devrim", "Ahmet Öğüt ve Borga Kantürk" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2005 - Ahmet Öğüt, "Devrim", "Ahmet Öğüt and Borga Kantürk" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005 | Ahmet Öğüt | 2005 |