Ders slaytları: Strüktür 2 - Course slides: Structure 2
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TEGH011001.jpgKaynak: Space Structures, R.M. Davies, 1966, Blackwell, s. 555. - Source: Space Structures, R.M. Davies, 1966, Blackwell, p. 555.426.42 KBJPEG
TEGH011002.jpgKaynak: Space Structures, R.M. Davies, 1966, Blackwell, s. 568. - Source: Space Structures, R.M. Davies, 1966, Blackwell, p. 568388.9 KBJPEG
TEGH011003.jpgKaynak: Space Structures, R.M. Davies, 1966, Blackwell, s. 569. - Source: Space Structures, R.M. Davies, 1966, Blackwell, p. 569.211.41 KBJPEG
TEGH011004.jpgKaynak: Space Structures, R.M. Davies, 1966, Blackwell, s. 572. - Source: Space Structures, R.M. Davies, 1966, Blackwell, p. 572.268.38 KBJPEG
TEGH011005.jpgKaynak: Space Structures, R.M. Davies, 1966, Blackwell, s. 573. - Source: Space Structures, R.M. Davies, 1966, Blackwell, p. 573.283.68 KBJPEG
TEGH011006.jpgBir uzay kafes çatı inşaatı. Fotoğrafçı: Vester Dick. Sayfa üzerinde: "Space frame roof for a large hall". Kaynak: Space Structures, R.M. Davies, 1966, Blackwell, s. 603. - Construction of a space frame roof. Photographer: Vester Dick. On the page: "Space frame roof for a large hall". Source: Space Structures, R.M. Davies, 1966, Blackwell, p. 603.363.76 KBJPEG
TEGH011007.jpg"East Field House" ve çelik yapı detayları, Kaliforniya Üniversitesi, Santa Cruz, ABD. İnşa tarihi: 1965. Mimarlık ofisi: Callister, Payne & Rosse. Fotoğrafçı: Philip Molten. Kaynak: Space Structures, R.M. Davies, 1966, Blackwell, s. 604. Koordinatlar: 36.994526, -122.055224 - "East Field House" and its steel structure details, University of California, Sant Cruz, USA, Date of construction: 1965. Architecture office: Callister, Payne & Rosse. Photographer: Philip Molten. Source: Space Structures, R.M. Davies, 1966, Blackwell, p. 604. Coordinates: 36.994526, -122.055224354.7 KBJPEG
TEGH011008.jpgKaynak: Space Structures, R.M. Davies, 1966, Blackwell, s. 761. - Source: Space Structures, R.M. Davies, 1966, Blackwell, p. 761.429.81 KBJPEG
TEGH011009.jpgKaynak: Space Structures, R.M. Davies, 1966, Blackwell, s. 1046. - Source: Space Structures, R.M. Davies, 1966, Blackwell, p. 1046.445.95 KBJPEG
TEGH011010.jpgKaynak: Space Structures, R.M. Davies, 1966, Blackwell. - Source: Space Structures, R.M. Davies, 1966, Blackwell.306.05 KBJPEG
TEGH011011.jpgKaynak: Progressive Architecture, no:51, Şubat 1970, Reinhold Publishing Corporation. - Source: Progressive Architecture, no:51, February 1970, Reinhold Publishing Corporation.260.17 KBJPEG
TEGH011012.jpgKaynak: Progressive Architecture, no: 51, Şubat 1970, s. 77, Reinhold Publishing Corporation. - Source: Progressive Architecture, no: 51, Febraury 1970, p. 77, Reinhold Publishing Corporation.236.12 KBJPEG
TEGH011013.jpg(Solda) "Deneysel Şişme Yapı". Mimar: A. Quarmby. Sayfa başlığı: "Grande-Bretagne, Structure Gonflable Experimentale". (Sağda) Britanya Demiryolları için tasarlanmış prefabrike yapı üniteleri. Mimar: H.H. Powell. "Grande-Bretagne, Batiments Prefabriques pour les Chemins de Fer Britanniques". Kaynak: Techniques et architecture, 1963, ss. 98-99. - (On the left) "Experimental inflatable structure". Architect: A. Quarmby. Page title: "Grande-Bretagne, Structure Gonflable Experimentale". (On the right) Prefabricated units designed for British Railways. Architect: H.H. Powell. "Grande-Bretagne, Batiments Prefabriques pour les Chemins de Fer Britanniques". Source: Techniques et architecture, 1963, pp. 98-99.258.68 KBJPEG
TEGH011014.jpg(Solda) Uzay kafes yapıları üzerine çalışmalar. Sayfa başlığı: "Grande-Bretagne, Recherches de Structures Spatiales". (Sağda) Gergin yüzey üzerine çalışmalar. Sayfa başlığı: "France, Recherches sur les Surfaces Tendues". Kaynak: Techniques et architecture, 1963, ss. 112-113. - (On the left) Research on space structures. Page title: "Grande-Bretagne, Recherches de Structures Spatiales". (On the right) Research on stretched surfaces. Page title: "France, Recherches sur les Surfaces Tendues". Source: Techniques et architecture, 1963, pp. 112-113.237.53 KBJPEG
TEGH011015.jpg(1, 2) Değişebilir yaşam ünitelerinden oluşan konut yapısı. Mimar: A. Quarmby. (3, 4, 5) Genişleyebilen yaşam ünitesi. (6) Acil durum yaşam ünitesi. Mimar: A. Quarmby. (7, 8, 9) Çok sayıda insan için acil durum yaşam ünitesi. Mimar: A. Quarmby. Sayfa başlığı: "Grande-Bretagne, Constructions en Coques". Kaynak: Techniques et architecture, 1963. - (1, 2) Towers with interchangeable housing units. Architect: A. Quarmby. (3, 4, 5) Expandable housing unit. Architect: A. Quarmby. (6) Emergency housing. Architect: A. Quarmby. (7, 8, 9) Emergency housing for large numbers of people. Architect: A. Quarmby. Page title: "Grande-Bretagne, Constructions en Coques". Source: Techniques et architecture, 1963.254.23 KBJPEG
TEGH011016.jpg"Gökdelen yapısı için projeler". Proje tarihi: 1921. Mimar: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. "Betonarme bir ofis yapısı için proje". Proje tarihi: 1922. Mimar: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Alexandraplatz için şehir düzenleme projesi, Berlin, Almanya. Proje tarihi: 1928. Mimar: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Sayfa üzerinde: "Figg. 431-434 - L. Mies van der Rohe, progetti per un grattacielo in vetro (1921), per un palazzo per uffici in cemento armato (1922) e per la sistemazione dell'Alexandraplatz a Berlino. (1928)". - "Glass skyscraper project". Date of project: 1921. Architect: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. "Concrete office building project". Date of project: 1922. Architect: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Remodelling of Alexandraplatz, Berlin, Germany. Date of project: 1928. Architect: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. On the page: "Figg. 431-434 - L. Mies van der Rohe, progetti per un grattacielo in vetro (1921), per un palazzo per uffici in cemento armato (1922) e per la sistemazione dell'Alexandraplatz a Berlino. (1928)".389.33 KBJPEG
TEGH011017.jpg"Convention Hall" maketi, Chicago, ABD. Proje tarihi: 1953. Mimar: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. - "Convention Hall" architectural model, Chicago, USA. Date of project: 1953. Architect: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.175.95 KBJPEG
TEGH011018.jpg"Convention Hall" için eskiz çalışmaları, Chicago, ABD. Proje tarihi: 1953. Mimar: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. Sayfa üzerinde: "Sketch by Mies of load-bearing structure, 30 feet high." - Sketch design for Convention Hall, Chicago, USA. Date of project: 1953. Architect: Ludwig Mies van der Rohe. On the page: "Sketch by Mies of load-bearing structure, 30 feet high."240.32 KBJPEG
TEGH011019.jpgSulh Ceza Mahkemesi, Manchester, Birleşik Krallık. İnşa tarihi: 1971. Yıkım tarihi: 2005. Mimarlık ofisi: Yorke, Rosenberg & Mardall. Koordinatlar: 53.479639, -2.251780 - Magistrates Court, Manchester, United Kingdom. Date of construction: 1971. Date of demolition: 2005. Architecture office: Yorke, Rosenberg & Mardall. Coordinates: 53.479639, -2.251780413.92 KBJPEG
TEGH011020.jpgSulh Ceza Mahkemesi, Manchester, Birleşik Krallık. İnşa tarihi: 1971. Yıkım tarihi: 2005. Mimarlık ofisi: Yorke, Rosenberg & Mardall. Koordinatlar: 53.479639, -2.251780 - Magistrates Court, Manchester, United Kingdom. Date of construction: 1971. Date of demolition: 2005. Architecture office: Yorke, Rosenberg & Mardall. Coordinates: 53.479639, -2.251780522.06 KBJPEG
TEGH011021.jpgAlcoa Binası, San Francisco, ABD. İnşa tarihi: 1967. Mimarlık ofisi: Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. Sayfa üzerinde: "The crisscross beams designed to brace the structure against earthquakes convert the facade of this building into a single, huge truss." - Alcoa Building, San Francisco, USA. Date of construction: 1967. Architecture office: Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. On the page: "The crisscross beams designed to brace the structure against earthquakes convert the facade of this building into a single, huge truss."335.88 KBJPEG
TEGH011022.jpg"Tanzbrunnen", Köln, Almanya. İnşa tarihi: 1957. Mimar: Frei Otto. Koordinatlar: 50.946370, 6.971870 - "Tanzbrunnen", Cologne, Germany. Date of construction: 1957. Architect: Frei Otto. Coordinates: 50.946370, 6.971870175.94 KBJPEG
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TEGH011031.jpgDulles Havalimanı inşaatı, Chantilly, ABD. Proje tarihi: 1962. Mimar: Eero Saarinen. Koordinatlar: 38.952763, -77.447453 - Dulles Airport construction, Chantilly, USA. Date of project: 1962. Architect: Eero Saarinen. Coordinates: 38.952763, -77.447453422.39 KBJPEG
TEGH011032.jpgYoyogi Ulusal Spor Salonu inşaatı, Tokyo, Japonya. İnşa tarihi: 1961-1964. Mimar: Kenzo Tange. Koordinatlar: 35.667582, 139.700375 - Yoyogi National Gymnasium construction, Tokyo, Japan. Date of construction: 1961-1964. Architect: Kenzo Tange. Coordinates: 35.667582, 139.700375492.54 KBJPEG
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TEGH011042.jpg"Crystal Palace" çizimi, Londra, Birleşik Krallık. İnşa tarihi: 1851. Yıkım tarihi: 1936. Mimar: Joseph Paxton. Sayfa üzerinde: "Fig. 107, Londra, l'interno del Palazzo di Cristallo (da "La grande esposizione di Londra", cit.)" - Drawing of the Crystal Palace, London, United Kingdom. Date of construction: 1851. Date of demolition: 1936. Architect: Joseph Paxton. On the page: "Fig. 107, Londra, l'interno del Palazzo di Cristallo (da "La grande esposizione di Londra", cit.)"624.78 KBJPEG
TEGH011043.jpgDeneysel fiberglas yapı, Cenova, İtalya. İnşa tarihi: 1966. Sayfa üzerinde: "Figures 17, 18, 19 and 20. Experimental structure in fibreglass, Genoa, 1966, in collaboration with Studio di ricerca e Progettazione". - Experimental structure in fibreglass, Genoa, Italy. Date of construction: 1966. On the page: "Figures 17, 18, 19 and 20. Experimental structure in fibreglass, Genoa, 1966, in collaboration with Studio di ricerca e Progettazione".348.16 KBJPEG
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TEGH011048.jpgÇandigar, Hindistan'da bir şantiye iskelesi - A scaffolding on a construction site in Chandigarh, India299.39 KBJPEG
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TEGH011054.jpgCluny Manastır Kilisesi, Cluny, Fransa. İnşa tarihi: 1088-1118. Notre Dame la Grande Kilisesi, Poitiers, Fransa. İnşa tarihi: 1130-1145. Sainte Marie Madeleine Manastır Kilisesi, Vezelay, Fransa. İnşa tarihi: 1104. - Abbey Church of Cluny, Cluny, France. Date of construction: 1088-1118. Church of Notre Dame la Grande, Poitiers, France. Date of construction: 1130-1145. Abbey Church of Sainte Marie Madeleine, Vezelay, France.353.14 KBJPEG
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TEGH011056.jpgAlvorada Sarayı Şapeli, Brasilia, Brezilya. İnşa tarihi: 1955. Mimar: Oscar Niemeyer. - Alvorada Palace Chapel, Brasilia, Brazil. Date of construction: 1955. Architect: Oscar Niemeyer.274.88 KBJPEG
TEGH011057.jpg"Taj Mahal", Agra, Hindistan. İnşa tarihi: 1632-1653. Mimar: Ahmed Lahori. Koordinatlar: 27.174899, 78.042025. - "Taj Mahal", Agra, India. Date of construction: 1632-1653. Architect: Ahmad Lahauri. Coordinates: 27.174899, 78.042025.325.04 KBJPEG
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TEGH011062.jpg"La Jacaranda" gece kulübü, Acapulco, Meksika. İnşa tarihi: 1957. Mimarlar: Felix Candela, Juan Sordo Madaleno. - "La Jacaranda" nightclub, Acapulco, Mexico. Date of construction: 1957. Architects: Felix Candela, Juan Sordo Madaleno.284.89 KBJPEG
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Ders slaytları: Strüktür 2 - Course slides: Structure 2
Erkal Güngören'in derslerinde kullandığı slaytlar - Slides used by Erkal Güngören during his lectures
Santa Cruz, Kaliforniya, ABD - Santa Cruz, California, USA 
Chicago, Illinois, ABD - Chicago, Illinois, USA, Manchester, Birleşik Krallık - Manchester, United Kingdom 
San Francisco, Kaliforniya, ABD - San Francisco, California, USA, Köln, Almanya - Cologne, Germany 
Londra, Birleşik Krallık - London, United Kingdom, Çandigar, Hindistan - Chandigarh, India, Cenova, İtalya - Genoa, Italy, Tokyo, Japonya - Tokyo, Japan 
Cluny, Fransa - Cluny, France, Brasilia, Brezilya - Brasilia, Brazil, Agra, Hindistan - Agra, India 
Acapulco, Meksika - Acapulco, Mexico, Chantilly, Virginia, ABD - Chantilly, Virginia, USA 
Güngören Ailesi - Güngören Family
35 mm, Dia - Slide, Renkli - Color
Number of Scanned Documents
Local Access
Rights Holder
Güngören Ailesi - Güngören Family
Accrual Method
Güngören Ailesi'nin izniyle - Courtesy of Güngören Family


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