Cengiz Bektaş'ın Efes Antik Kenti gezisi sırasında çektiği fotoğraflar - Photographs taken by Cengiz Bektaş during Ephesus Ancient City trip
Dosya Tanım BoyutBiçim 
TCBH2103001.jpgHadrianus Tapınağı, Kuretler Caddesi - Temple of Hadrian, Curetes Street768.59 KBJPEG
TCBH2103002.jpgHadrianus Tapınağı, Kuretler Caddesi - Temple of Hadrian, Curetes Street811.73 KBJPEG
TCBH2103003.jpgHadrianus Tapınağı, Kuretler Caddesi - Temple of Hadrian, Curetes Street936.01 KBJPEG
TCBH2103004.jpgHadrianus Tapınağı, Kuretler Caddesi - Temple of Hadrian, Curetes Street865 KBJPEG
TCBH2103005.jpgHadrianus Tapınağı, Kuretler Caddesi - Temple of Hadrian, Curetes Street927.82 KBJPEG
TCBH2103006.jpgHadrianus Tapınağı, Kuretler Caddesi - Temple of Hadrian, Curetes Street892.67 KBJPEG
TCBH2103007.jpgMazeus ve Mithridates Kapısı (Magnesia Kapısı) - Gate of Mazeus and Mithridates (Gate of Magnesia)632.55 KBJPEG
TCBH2103008.jpgMazeus ve Mithridates Kapısı (Magnesia Kapısı) - Gate of Mazeus and Mithridates (Gate of Magnesia)660.53 KBJPEG
TCBH2103009.jpgMazeus ve Mithridates Kapısı (Magnesia Kapısı) - Gate of Mazeus and Mithridates (Gate of Magnesia)664.72 KBJPEG
TCBH2103010.jpgTraian Çeşmesi - Fountain of Trajan791.18 KBJPEG
TCBH2103011.jpgTraian Çeşmesi - Fountain of Trajan904.71 KBJPEG
TCBH2103012.jpgHellenistik Çeşme - Hellenistic Fountain734.95 KBJPEG
TCBH2103013.jpgHellenistik Çeşme - Hellenistic Fountain835.34 KBJPEG
TCBH2103014.jpgHellenistik Çeşme - Hellenistic Fountain1.02 MBJPEG
TCBH2103015.jpgPrytaneion ve Kutsal Alan - Prytaneion and Sanctuary683.62 KBJPEG
TCBH2103016.jpgPrytaneion ve Kutsal Alan - Prytaneion and Sanctuary589.63 KBJPEG
TCBH2103017.jpgPrytaneion ve Kutsal Alan - Prytaneion and Sanctuary644.28 KBJPEG
TCBH2103018.jpgPrytaneion ve Kutsal Alan - Prytaneion and Sanctuary734.88 KBJPEG
TCBH2103019.jpgPrytaneion ve Kutsal Alan - Prytaneion and Sanctuary972.6 KBJPEG
TCBH2103020.jpgPrytaneion ve Kutsal Alan - Prytaneion and Sanctuary905.92 KBJPEG
TCBH2103021.jpgÇifte Kiliseler - The Double Churches788.17 KBJPEG
TCBH2103022.jpgÇifte Kiliseler - The Double Churches841.81 KBJPEG
TCBH2103023.jpgPrytaneion ve Kutsal Alan - Prytaneion and Sanctuary1,016.94 KBJPEG
TCBH2103024.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City521.26 KBJPEG
TCBH2103025.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City744.59 KBJPEG
TCBH2103026.jpgMemmius Anıtı - Memmius Monument854.79 KBJPEG
TCBH2103027.jpgTraian Çeşmesi - Fountain of Trajan766.18 KBJPEG
TCBH2103028.jpgHerakles Kapısı - Hercules Gate578.68 KBJPEG
TCBH2103029.jpgLiman Caddesi (Arcadiane) - Harbour Street (Arcadian)655.94 KBJPEG
TCBH2103030.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City607.02 KBJPEG
TCBH2103031.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City951.29 KBJPEG
TCBH2103032.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City673.48 KBJPEG
TCBH2103033.jpgDomitian Tapınağı - Temple of Domitian585.24 KBJPEG
TCBH2103034.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City617.22 KBJPEG
TCBH2103035.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City501.19 KBJPEG
TCBH2103036.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City546.6 KBJPEG
TCBH2103037.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City635.18 KBJPEG
TCBH2103038.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City968.77 KBJPEG
TCBH2103039.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City1.02 MBJPEG
TCBH2103040.jpgSaray Kapısı - Gate of Palace855.9 KBJPEG
TCBH2103041.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City826.9 KBJPEG
TCBH2103042.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City798.95 KBJPEG
TCBH2103043.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City1.43 MBJPEG
TCBH2103044.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City692 KBJPEG
TCBH2103045.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City577.49 KBJPEG
TCBH2103046.jpgKuretler Caddesi - Curetes Street693.32 KBJPEG
TCBH2103047.jpgSelçuk İsa Bey Camii ve Artemis Tapınağı - Selçuk İsa Bey Mosque and Temple of Artemis1.51 MBJPEG
TCBH2103048.jpgSelçuk İsa Bey Camii ve Artemis Tapınağı - Selçuk İsa Bey Mosque and Temple of Artemis811.81 KBJPEG
TCBH2103049.jpgTicaret Agorası - Commercial Agora856.58 KBJPEG
TCBH2103050.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City649.73 KBJPEG
TCBH2103051.jpgMemmius Anıtı - Memmius Monument809.46 KBJPEG
TCBH2103052.jpgAyasuluk (St.Jean) Kalesi - Ayasuluk (St. Jean) Castle874.53 KBJPEG
TCBH2103053.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City814.62 KBJPEG
TCBH2103054.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City699.82 KBJPEG
TCBH2103055.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City906.84 KBJPEG
TCBH2103056.jpgDomitian Çeşmesi - Fountain of Domitian682.98 KBJPEG
TCBH2103057.jpgYazıt - Stone771.47 KBJPEG
TCBH2103058.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City837.81 KBJPEG
TCBH2103059.jpgOluk - Gutter901.9 KBJPEG
TCBH2103060.jpgMermer detayı - Detail of marble791.39 KBJPEG
TCBH2103061.jpgYazıt - Stone938.73 KBJPEG
TCBH2103062.jpgBüyük tiyatro - Great theater969.65 KBJPEG
TCBH2103063.jpgBüyük tiyatro - Great theater1.01 MBJPEG
TCBH2103064.jpgBüyük tiyatro - Great theater994.45 KBJPEG
TCBH2103065.jpgBüyük tiyatro - Great theater983.54 KBJPEG
TCBH2103066.jpgBüyük tiyatro - Great theater686.27 KBJPEG
TCBH2103067.jpgBüyük tiyatro - Great theater806.34 KBJPEG
TCBH2103068.jpgBüyük tiyatro - Great theater737.61 KBJPEG
TCBH2103069.jpgBüyük tiyatro - Great theater844.98 KBJPEG
TCBH2103070.jpgBüyük tiyatro - Great theater840.45 KBJPEG
TCBH2103071.jpgBüyük tiyatro - Great theater1,012.14 KBJPEG
TCBH2103072.jpgBüyük tiyatro - Great theater1.05 MBJPEG
TCBH2103073.jpgBüyük tiyatro - Great theater1.08 MBJPEG
TCBH2103074.jpgBüyük tiyatro - Great theater1 MBJPEG
TCBH2103075.jpgBüyük tiyatro - Great theater949.46 KBJPEG
TCBH2103076.jpgBüyük tiyatro'nun basamakları - Stairs of great theater1,013.37 KBJPEG
TCBH2103077.jpgBüyük tiyatro'nun basamakları - Stairs of great theater862.18 KBJPEG
TCBH2103078.jpgBüyük tiyatro - Great theater927.46 KBJPEG
TCBH2103079.jpgBüyük tiyatro - Great theater960.39 KBJPEG
TCBH2103080.jpgYazıt - Stone728.53 KBJPEG
TCBH2103081.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City1.07 MBJPEG
TCBH2103082.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City1.22 MBJPEG
TCBH2103083.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City971.27 KBJPEG
TCBH2103084.jpgKüp - Jar1.45 MBJPEG
TCBH2103085.jpgZemin detayı - Detail of floor771.47 KBJPEG
TCBH2103086.jpgCelcus Kütüphanesi - Celsus Library811.35 KBJPEG
TCBH2103087.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City506.44 KBJPEG
TCBH2103088.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City809.3 KBJPEG
TCBH2103089.jpgDuvar detayı - Detail of wall892.15 KBJPEG
TCBH2103090.jpgDuvar detayı - Detail of wall807.64 KBJPEG
TCBH2103091.jpgEfes Antik Kenti - Ephesus Ancient City638.68 KBJPEG
TCBH2103092.jpgSelçuk'tan görünüm - View from Selçuk1.23 MBJPEG
TCBH2103093.jpgMozaik zemin döşemesi - Mosaic floor894.45 KBJPEG
TCBH2103094.jpgZemin detayı - Detail of floor724.37 KBJPEG
TCBH2103095.jpgDuvar detayı - Detail of wall1.42 MBJPEG
TCBH2103096.jpgZemin detayı - Detail of floor831.21 KBJPEG
TCBH2103097.jpg"Cephe düzenlemesinin özellikleri". "Antik çağ yapı tekniği". - "Pecularities of the shaping of the facade". "Ancient building technique".786.84 KBJPEG
TCBH2103098.jpg"Antik çağ yapı tekniği" - "Ancient building technique"862.4 KBJPEG
TCBH2103099.jpgYamaç Evler - Terrace (Hillside) Houses920.75 KBJPEG
TCBH2103100.jpgLahit - Sarcophagus697.12 KBJPEG
TCBH2103101.jpgYamaç Evler, amfora - Terrace (Hillside) Houses, amphora606.93 KBJPEG
TCBH2103102.jpgYamaç Evler - Terrace Houses565.48 KBJPEG
TCBH2103103.jpgYamaç Evler - Terrace (Hillside) Houses707.24 KBJPEG
TCBH2103104.jpgKüpler - Jars584.22 KBJPEG
TCBH2103105.jpgYamaç Evler - Terrace (Hillside) Houses504.12 KBJPEG
TCBH2103106.jpgYamaç Evler - Terrace (Hillside) Houses662.43 KBJPEG
TCBH2103107.jpgYamaç Evler - Terrace (Hillside) Houses581.59 KBJPEG
TCBH2103108.jpg545.46 KBJPEG
TCBH2103109.jpgDuvar detayı - Detail of wall779.92 KBJPEG
TCBH2103110.jpgEfes Müzesi - Ephesus Museum689.33 KBJPEG
TCBH2103111.jpgEfes Müzesi - Ephesus Museum601.88 KBJPEG
TCBH2103112.jpgEfes Müzesi - Ephesus Museum683.07 KBJPEG
TCBH2103113.jpgKubbe detayı - Detail of dome511.54 KBJPEG
TCBH2103114.jpgKubbe detayı - Detail of dome513.31 KBJPEG
TCBH2103115.jpgYamaç Evler - Terrace (Hillside) Houses587.15 KBJPEG
TCBH2103116.jpgZemin detayı - Detail of floor510.8 KBJPEG
TCBH2103117.jpgDuvar detayı, mermer - Detail of wall, marble786.47 KBJPEG
TCBH2103118.jpgYamaç Evler'den mozaik, Poseido'nun Amphitrite'yi Kaçırması Sahnesi - Mosaic from Terrace (Hillside) Houses, Poseidon abducting Amphitrite with sea horse Hippokampos869.29 KBJPEG
TCBH2103119.jpgFresk - Fresco970.93 KBJPEG
TCBH2103120.jpgFresk - Fresco694.76 KBJPEG
TCBH2103121.jpgFresk - Fresco870.35 KBJPEG
TCBH2103122.jpgFresk - Fresco838.77 KBJPEG
TCBH2103123.jpgGüneş kursu - Sun disk510.8 KBJPEG
TCBH2103124.jpgEfes Müzesi - Ephesus Museum546.05 KBJPEG
TCBH2103125.jpgEfes Müzesi - Ephesus Museum644.13 KBJPEG
TCBH2103126.jpgEfes Müzesi - Ephesus Museum542.21 KBJPEG
TCBH2103127.jpgEfes Müzesi - Ephesus Museum715.18 KBJPEG
TCBH2103128.jpgEfes Müzesi - Ephesus Museum584.21 KBJPEG
TCBH2103129.jpgEfes Müzesi, heykel - Ephesus Museum, sculpture485.02 KBJPEG
TCBH2103130.jpgEfes Müzesi, heykel başı - Ephesus Museum, sculpture head457.19 KBJPEG
TCBH2103131.jpgEfes Müzesi, heykel başı - Ephesus Museum, sculpture head442.44 KBJPEG
TCBH2103132.jpgEfes Müzesi, heykel - Ephesus Museum, sculpture505.34 KBJPEG
TCBH2103133.jpgEfes Müzesi, Nehir Tanrısı Okeanus Heykeli - Ephesus Museum, Statue of Oceanus556.14 KBJPEG
TCBH2103134.jpgEfes Müzesi, kadın heykeli - Ephesus Museum, woman statue586.24 KBJPEG
TCBH2103135.jpgEfesli Artemis Heykeli - Artemis of Ephesus Statue444.53 KBJPEG
TCBH2103136.jpgSelçuk İsa Bey Camii - Selçuk İsa Bey Mosque912.41 KBJPEG
TCBH2103137.jpgSelçuk İsa Bey Camii - Selçuk İsa Bey Mosque849.67 KBJPEG
TCBH2103138.jpgSelçuk İsa Bey Camii - Selçuk İsa Bey Mosque663.09 KBJPEG
TCBH2103139.jpgSelçuk İsa Bey Camii - Selçuk İsa Bey Mosque802.24 KBJPEG
TCBH2103140.jpgSelçuk İsa Bey Camii - Selçuk İsa Bey Mosque851.97 KBJPEG
TCBH2103141.jpgSelçuk İsa Bey Camii'nin iç mekânı - Interior of Selçuk İsa Bey Mosque545.97 KBJPEG
TCBH2103142.jpgMeryem Ana Evi - House of the Virgin Mary1.03 MBJPEG
TCBH2103143.jpgMeryem Ana Evi - House of the Virgin Mary1.04 MBJPEG
TCBH2103144.jpgMeryem Ana Evi - House of the Virgin Mary897.3 KBJPEG
TCBH2103145.jpgMeryem Ana Evi - House of the Virgin Mary874.17 KBJPEG
TCBH2103146.jpgMeryem Ana Evi - House of the Virgin Mary1.01 MBJPEG
TCBH2103147.jpgMeryem Ana Evi - House of the Virgin Mary637.55 KBJPEG
TCBH2103148.jpgMeryem Ana Evi - House of the Virgin Mary710.83 KBJPEG
TCBH2103149.jpgEfes'ten görünüm - View from Ephesus944.78 KBJPEG
TCBH2103150.jpgEfes'ten görünüm - View from Ephesus927.64 KBJPEG
TCBH2103151.jpgEfes'ten görünüm - View from Ephesus1.09 MBJPEG
TCBH2103152.jpgEfes'ten görünüm - View from Ephesus729.82 KBJPEG
TCBH2103153.jpgEfes'ten görünüm - View from Ephesus775.85 KBJPEG
TCBH2103154.jpgEfes'ten görünüm - View from Ephesus688.39 KBJPEG
TCBH2103155.jpgEfes'ten görünüm - View from Ephesus619.54 KBJPEG
TCBH2103156.jpgCengiz Bektaş'ın ailesi - Cengiz Bektaş's family756.84 KBJPEG
35 mm, Renkli - Colored
Doküman Sayısı
Open Access
Hak Sahibi
Cengiz Bektaş
Temin Şekli
Bağış - Donation


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