311-320 / 1137
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Letter from Elena Pecci to Aurora Fabiato about her and her aunt’s health conditions and about her housekeeper. In the letter is mentioned Comm. Giannini who could facilitate the obtainment of Italian citizenship.-1937-07-13
Letter from Elena Pecci to Aurora Fabiato about her health conditions, a photograph of her wedding (1906) and troubles concerning the inheritance among the heirs after Elena Pecci’s mother death.-1939-03-10
Partial copy of a letter from Aurora Fabiato to Elena Pecci about some troubles with the permit of staying in Turkey and about the possibility to ask to Marshal Pietro Badoglio, Elena Pecci’s nephew father in law, to facilitate her in the obtainment of Italian citizenship.-1938-11-23
Letter from Elena Pecci to Aurora Fabiato about her health conditions, the new nun who attends to her mother and her niece pregnancy.-1937-09-21
Letter from Elena Pecci to Aurora Fabiato about her niece’s fiancé departure to the Lybian front and her housekeeper.-1941-02-08
Letter from Elena Pecci to Aurora Fabiato about some troubles regarding the file concerning her Italian citizenship attainment process.-1936-03-18
Letter from Elena Pecci to Aurora Fabiato about her daily life and some news regarding her nephews.-1936-09-05
Letter from Luisa Pandolfi to Aurora Fabiato about her daughter engagement.-1940-12-08
Greeting postcard from Elena Pecci to Aurora Fabiato.-1940-05-21
(Draft) letter, Sp. Fabiato to Ioannes Fabiato asking him to co-operate with K. Georgakopoulos in order to solve the problem with his scattered things in the warehouses and pay special attention to the three chests.-1940-10-11
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