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Scrikss Madeni ve Plastik Sanayi A.Ş.'nin kuracağı dolma kalem fabrikasına ait proje taslağı - Draft of a project belonging to pen factory will be installed by Scrikss Metal and Plastic Industry Incooperated Company.--
AHANODOC0076.jpg.jpgAbed Ailesine mensup birine yazılan mektup - Letter sent to a member of Abed Family-1950-01-25
AHANODOC0079.jpg.jpgÜzerinde "[M. muadelenamelerin] Türkçe tercümesi" yazılı boş zarf - Empty envelope entitled with "Turkish translation of equivalent"--
10 Kanun-i Evvel sene 1341 tarihli ve 437 numaralı ilamın sebepleri hakkında Mahkeme-i Temyîz Hukuk Dairesi Riyâset-i Âliyesi'ne yazılan dilekçenin taslağı. İstanbul Mahkeme-i Asliye İkinci Hukuk Dairesi Riyâset-i Âliyesi'ne yazılan Mehmet Ali Abed'in Abed Han'daki yazıhanesinin kirasıyla ilgili davaya dair dilekçe taslağı - Draft of the petition written to the Supreme Court of the Court of Appeals regarding the reasons for the decree numbered 437 and dated December 10, 1925. Draft petition regarding the lawsuit regarding the rent of Mehmet Ali Abed's office in Abed Han, written to the Istanbul Court of First Instance Second Law Department--
Beyoğlu İkinci Katipliği tarafından onaylı, Mehmet Ali Abed ve kardeşlerinin vekili Avukat Burhanettin Tahsin tarafından hazırlanan hisse konulu belge - Document on shares prepared by Burhanettin Tahsin, lawyer of Mehmet Ali Abed and his brothers, and approved by the Beyoğlu Second Clerk's Office.-1925-07-15
AHANODOC0080.jpg.jpgİstanbul Beşinci İcra Dairesi Memurluğu'na yazılan Beyoğlu'nda K. Sokağı'nda 17 numaralı apartmanın ödenmemiş kiraları hakkında Sarıcazade Refet ve Hayrettin beylere olan borcun tahsili için icra dilekçesinin taslağı - Draft of the petition for the collection of the debts owed to Sarıcazade Refet Bey and Hayrettin Bey regarding the unpaid rent of the apartment numbered 17 in K. Street in Beyoğlu, which was written to the Istanbul Fifth Enforcement Office.--
AHANODOC0086.jpg.jpgMahmut Muhtar Abed Bey'in 01.08.1957 tarihinde İstanbul Emniyet Altıncı Şube Müdüriyeti'ne ve 05.08.1957 tarihinde Beyoğlu Emniyeti'ne gönderilen dilekçeler ile ilgili notlar - Notes on the petitions sent by Mahmut Muhtar Abed to the Istanbul Police Department Sixth Branch Directorate in August 1, 1957 and to the Beyoğlu Police Department in August 5, 1957-1960-05-27
Adalar Sulh Mahkemesi'nden aleyhe çıkan karardan sonra temyize gönderilen davanın reddedildiğine dair belge - Document stating that after the adverse verdict passed by the Islands Court of First Instance, the appeal was dismissed-1927-12-14
AHANODOC0085.jpg.jpgİstanbul Tapu ve Kadastro Müdüriyeti Aliyesi'ne yazılmış dilekçe - Petition written to the High Directorate of Istanbul Land Office-1928-10-11
AHANODOC0088.jpg.jpgTapu Müdüriyeti Nezâreti'ne yazılan, 29 Kanun-i Sani 340 tarihli ve 5 numaralı telgrafnamenin eki - Appendix of the telegram numbered with 5 and dated January 29, 1924, written to the Directorate of Land Registry-1925-05-04
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