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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
SPC073.jpg.jpgCouverture du livret scolaire de Apikian Léon au collège français du Rosaire, Makrikeuy.-1914; 1915
AEXAS069.jpg.jpgUnion Sigorta Şirketi’nin ermenice prim tarifesi - Schedule of premium rates (in armenian) applied by the Union Insurance Company.-1828; 1829
AEXAS005.jpg.jpgFransa Kralı'nın bir sigorta şirketinin kuruluşuna sair 1686 tarihli buyruğu - Decree passed by French King in 1686 concerning the foundation of an Insurance company.-1939
İttihad-ı Milli Osmanlı Sigorta Şirketi’nin 2 Mayıs 1923 tarihli genel kuruluna sunulan Fransızca ve Osmanlıca faaliyet raporu - Annual report dated 2 May, 1923, submitted to the general assembly of the Ottoman General Insurance Company in french and Ottoman.-1923-05-02
AEXAS072.jpg.jpgPlan d'assurance de Constantinople.--
AEXAS063.jpg.jpgİstanbul Umum Sigorta Şirketi’nin 20 Haziran 1922 tarihli genel kuruluna sunulan faaliyet raporu - Annual report dated 20 June, 1922, submitted to the general assembly of the İstanbul General Insurance Company.-1922-06-20
AEXAS071.jpg.jpgUnion Sigorta Şirketi’nin 1903 tarihli prim tarifesi - 1903 schedule of premium rates applied by the Union Insurance Company-1903
AEXAS061.jpg.jpgOsmanlı Umum Sigorta Şirketi’nin 4 Mayıs 1918 tarihli genel kuruluna sunulan faaliyet raporu - Annual report dated 4 May, 1918, submitted to the general assembly of the Ottoman General Insurance Company.-1918-05-04
AEXAS064.jpg.jpgOsmanlı Umum Sigorta Şirketi’nin 1904 basımlı nizamnamesi - 1904 edition of company regulations of the Ottoman General Insurance Company.-1904
AEXAS065.jpg.jpgOsmanlı Umum Sigorta Şirketi’nin 1914 basımlı nizamnamesi - 1914 edition of company regulations of the Ottoman General Insurance Company.-1914
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