991-1000 / 37152
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACIEVO00270.jpg.jpgMenufaç Kazası, Laragi Kariyesinde sakinken vefat eden Cafer Boşnakaki'nin Hüseyin ve Faful adlı iki yetimine vasi tayini için akraba meclisinin toplanması ve yetimlerin dedesi Hasan Galyogoryanaki'nin vasi tayini ile ilgili karar. [1 Teşrin-i Evvel 1317]-1901-10-14
Evkaf muhasebecisinin intihabına kadar Evkaf'ın rüyetine istihdam olduğu 28 Teşrin-i Sani 1297'den 9 Kanun-i Evvel 1297'ye kadar istihkakı olan parayı Kandiye Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Evkaf Muhasebeci Vekili imzalı pusula. [12 Kanun-i Evvel 1297]-1881-12-24
ACIEVP00112.jpg.jpgRizo Kazası Seyyar Memuru Hüseyin Efendi vazifesine devam etmeyeceğinden yerine Abdaki Ali Bey'in nasb ve tayin olunduğu ve Nisan ayının 9. gününden itibaren maaşının başlayacağına dair alınan karar. [8 Nisan 1296]-1880-04-20
Kandiye'de bulunan zanaatkarların isimlerini havi cetvel. [14 Teşrin-i Evvel 1338]-1922-10-14
In presence of the Notary and resident of Irakliou Emmanouil Z. Miliara: Ali Veis Loujerzades, land owner, and Seit Veis Halazarakis, land owner, residents of Irakliou, agreed on.-1908-09-29
Selling through auction by Irakliou Administration, represented by Director Mehmet Halatsaki and the Council: Vakif properties in the periphery of Pretoria Village Monofatsiou, Mezaria Location, former Muslim Cemetery highest bid by Konstad. Kefalanaki.-1917-04-30; 1917-05-28
Selling through auction by Irakliou Administration, represented by Director Mehmet Halatsaki and the Council: Vakif Properties in periphery of Melissohoriou Village Monofatsiou and in the village, the former Mosque-highest bid by Haritou Math. Melissanaki.-1917-05-28
The Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations sells lands at the periphery of Stavgies Village Monofatsiou which used to be the mosque highest bid by Dimitri Kalaijaki illiterated (354 dr.) Arap Kalaijakis had offered 353 dr.-1917-10-01
The Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundatons leases for 2 years the residence no 4, in Yani Jami Quarter highest bid by Moustafas Kolijakis (13 dr.)-1916-07-10
ACIEVPR00361.jpg.jpgLeasing auction: Residence no 2 of the Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations is leased from 1916/1332 to 1918/1334 to Hasan Gabazaki for 22 dr.-1916-07-10
991-1000 / 37152