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ACIEVP00152.jpg.jpg7 sınıflı İslam Mekteb-i Zükur muallimlerinden Selim Efendaki Vasıf Efendi 4 sınıflı İslam Zükur Mektebi muallimlerinden Hasan Efendi'nin yerine, Hasan Efendi de Vasıf Efendi yerine geçerek becayişlerinin heyetçe lüzum görüldüğüne dair alınan karar.-1913-09-05
Decision of Iraklio Muslim Elders concerning the non-acceptance of the succession at the office of the imam of the Mosque Dizdar İsmail Aga of Iraklio of the former deceased imam (Mehmet Efendi Gialelaki)'s son, Kazim Imamaki.-1903-02-03
ACIEVP00165.jpg.jpgTowards the Administration of Irakliou Bank of Crete: the President of the Muslim Elders informs for the appointment of Mehmet Halatsakis as director of the Administration of the Muslim Foundations, in the place of the resigned Mihri Vei Koudizade.-1915-10-22
ACIEVP00130.jpg.jpgCertificate: the President of Irakliou Muslim Elders confirms that Nouri Veis Koudsizades had been serving as teacher and director of the Muslim Schools of Irakliou from 1890 to 1899.-1920-04-25
ACIEVP00159.jpg.jpgTowards Irakliou Muslim Community: the Director of Irakliou 7 Classes School informs for the resignation of the Servant Ahmet Apitrakis and asks for his replacement.-1913-10-19
Kandiye Müessesat-ı Diniye-i İslamiye'nin idaresindeki akarattan Malviz Kazası Petro Kefalo Kariyesinde Karavo adlı mahaldeki çeşitli gayr- menkullerin Stavis Kariyeli Dimitrini Klamakiye, Kosta İsilu Kefalaki'nin uhdelerine takarrur ettiğine dair karar.-1917-10-05
Mart-Mayıs 1288'de muhtelif camilerden tahsil olunan icaratın %15 tahsiliyesi olan 358,5 kuruşu Kandiye Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair Memur-ı Evkaf Mehmed imzalı senet. [5 Haziran 1288]-1872-06-17
Timur Bey Serverzade'nin zevcesi Emine Hanım Kapudanıpola'nın eytamı dosya muhafazası içinde Emine Hanım'ın terekesini gösteren defter.--
Towards the General Commander of Crete: Memorandum of Muslim Elders complains that, although religion of the Cretan Muslims had been respected by all governments so far and Turkish language had been taught together with Greek language in the Cretan schools.-1923-01-14; 1923-01-16
ACIGVEP00004.jpg.jpgCorrespondance entre les présidents de la 3e Commission Mixte pour l'Echange des Populations grecques et turques et de la communauté musulmane à Cannée sur le convoi de Tesvikié.-1926-03-14
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