771-780 / 37152
PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACRGVPR00022.jpg.jpgKingdom of Greece. Towards the Rethimnis employee who is responsible for the water (Idronomos): the Director informs that Ioannis Tsihlis bought 1/2 masoura of water from the Administration of the Rethimnis Muslim Foundations.-1911-12-13
Towards the General Administration of Crete. Rethimnis Ierodikis reports that Housnis Tselepakis had been appionted Bailiff of the Foundation.-1912-10-20; 1912-10-23
ACRGVPR00014.jpg.jpgTowards the Director of Rethimnis Department Avdounafi Efendin. Rethimnis Christian Elders ask for a certificate that Mr. Stil. Fragzeskakis bought all the real estates of the late Georg,. Andriotakin in the Anogia Villagem by the Christian Elders.--
ACRGVP00039.jpg.jpgTowards Rethimnis Prefect: Certification that the applicant is Halifes of the Hallvetidon Teke of Hiehou Remandan Volionitaki since 1917/1334.-1918-06-21
ACRGVP00040.jpg.jpgTowards Rethimnis Prefect: Certificate that the applicant is Halifes of the Nakhidon Teke of the Hiehou Osman Houroudaki since 1918/1336.-1918-06-21
ACRGVPR00012.jpg.jpgTo Rethimnis Mayor. Buying of one masoura of water for the residence 38 in Sholion Street.-1908-09-08
ACCEVO01137.jpg.jpgSabık Mısır Valisi Merhum Said Paşa'nın hayatta iken Hanya'ya geldiklerinde burda yapmış oldukları bazı hayra ve ihsan eylediği meblağın hayır yerlerine sarf olunmak için Eytam Sandığı'na teslim olunan meblağın muhasebesi ilamı. [1 Muharrem 1278]-1861-07-08
ACCEVO01135.jpg.jpgGirit Merkez Livası Hanya'da sakin iken vefat eden Yusuf Ağazae Ahmed Ağa'nın Oğlu Yusuf'un vasisi Emval-i Eytam Müdürü Kara Alizade Ehmed Bey Bin Mustafa'nın talebi ile miras mallarının muhasebesini ihtiva eden ilam. [1 Muharrem 1278]-1861-07-08
ACCEVO01136.jpg.jpgGirit Merkez Livası Hanya'da sakin iken vefat eden Mamanrol Oğlu Mustafa'nın Kızları Penbe ve Raziye'nin vasisi valideleri Halime Hatun'nun talebi ile miras mallarının muhasebesini ihtiva eden ilam. [1 Muharrem 1278]-1861-07-08
ACRGVPR00037.jpg.jpgTowards Pappa Emmanouil Androulidaki: the Director of Administration of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations reminds him that he had payed only 100 dr. and that he still owes 160 dr. for occupying a residence of Rethimnis Muslim Foundations since 1918.-1921-06-07
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