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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
ACLEVF00431.jpg.jpg1310 senesi kamerisi dahilinde Yenişehir Camii minare ve merdiveninin tamirine verilen 55 kuruşu Laşid Evkaf Sandığı'ndan aldığına dair marangoz imzalı senet. [28 Şubat 1308]-1893-03-12
ACLEVF00434.jpg.jpgilias frankadakis. resident of Ierapetras received by the Administration of Lasithiou Muslim Foundations 1,30 dr. for watering the trees at Poros Location-1910-03-21
ACLEVF00401.jpg.jpgAggel. Yannakis (?) received by the Director of the Evkaf Housein Moutafaki 5. 50 dr. for two bunches of paper/ Ierapetra-1908-05-25
ACLEVF00392.jpg.jpgCourt taxes payed to Lasithiou Ierodikio for Month September 1904-1904-10-02
Application of Mihail Kothriand of Haralabous Zamiolaki, Lawyers, residents of Ierapetras, against the Muslim Mosque of Sitias, represented by the Administration's Director of Lasithiou Muslim Foundations, towards President of the Court of First Instance-1912-11-20
Application and table by Lawyer Georgiou Mitsotaki against the Administration of Lasithiou Muslim Foundations, towards President of Irakliou Court of Appeal. For representing the Foundations against Georgiou and Emmanouil Siganou and for winning the case.-1909-12-10
ACLEVF00462.jpg.jpgKarakaş Abdurrahman Ağa Hayratının her sene kıraatı meşrut mevlid için 1303 senesi kıraati için harcanan 38 kuruş 5 paranın sarf edildiğine dair Mehmed Şükrü imzalı pusula. [25 Kanun-i Evvel 1301]-1886-01-06
Table and application by Mihail N. Trapezanakis, Lawyer, resident of Ierapetrou, against the Ottoman Orphan Bank of Lasithiou/ towards Lasithiou Court of First Instance and the Ierapetrou Magistrate's Court-1911-02-23; 1913-02-15
Rukakalı Ali Rıdvanaki'nin kızı Rukiye'nin vereceği olan 1026 kuruşun tesviyesi hususunda Estiye Kazası Kaymakamının takriri. [10 Mayıs 1288]-1872-05-22
ACLEVF00538.jpg.jpgYerapetre Avukatlarından Mösyö Mihail İtranazanaki tarafından Evkaf ve Eytam İdaresi aleyhine göndermiş olduğu mahkeme masraf pusulasının listesi.-1913-09-23
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