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ACIEVPR00543.jpg.jpgStatement of Stavros Hronakis, resident of Iraklio, before the Director of the Muslim Council of Elders (?). Hronakis offers a higher price for the lease of a shop belonging to the Council of Elders(?) in the context of an auction procedure.--
Leasing through auction: No 15 shop of Administration of Irakliou Muslim Foundations fortified to Ivrahim Haji Jemalaki for 12 dr./Magistrate's Court. Director is invited to court, on June 18, 1921, in order to discuss the appeal of Ivrahim Haji Jemalaki-1916-07-05; 1921-05-31
Irakliou Mayor informs the Director of Irakliou Evkaf that according to the Municipality registers Raji Roukounakis owes a masoura of water, conducted to his residence, and that Asmi Baba Tourhioujakis owns 1 masoura conducted to the Teke he administers-1905-06-12
ACIGVP00020.jpg.jpgTowards the President of Irakliou Muslim Elders: Irakliou Prefect (Dimakis?) asks for a list of all the employees that receive salary more than 80 dr. per month, because they are obliged to suscribe to the Newspaper of the Government-1911-10-30
The Irakliou Gendarmerie/ Topic: the Religious Services of the Muslims in the mosques that had escaped the pillages-1915
The Director of Irakliou Muslim Foundations is informed by Irakliou Municipality that his appeal had been rejected.-1911-11-27
List of the religious servants in Irakliou Prefecture [Ca 1917]--
ACLEVE00025.jpg.jpgMünhal kalan İslam Muallimliğine Müftü Efendi'nin İnhasıyla Kadıoğlaki Mustafa Efendi'nin tayinine muvafakat hasıl olmuş ve Yeni Usul Elifba-ı Osmani ile Ecza-ı Şerifeden 25 adedin postayla gönderilmesi için Laşid Livası İhtiyar Meclisi Reisinin istidası.-1916-03-13
ACLEVE00028.jpg.jpgKanun-i Esasinin 108 maddesi 9. fıkrasına göre ders cetvelinin ve programının meclisçe onaylanmasına dair Laşid İhtiyar Meclisi Reisinin tahriratı [7 Şubat 1326]-1911-02-20
Laşid Evkaf Sandığına 22 Şubat 1321 İla 5 Haziran 1322 tarihleri arasında teslim olunan mebaliğin makbuz ilm-i haberidir.-1906-03-07; 1906-06-18
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