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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Note to S. Fabiato from A. A. Moshos: He apologises for not being able to be present at the trial due to his illness.-1935-08-31
Receipt of payment: Georgios Vafeias is paid from Sp. Fabiato for repairs in the garden.-1940-06-15
Letter to Ahilleas Moshos from Sp. Fabiato: Fabiato and Aurora will tomorrow visit the Foundation (Vakıf), after Ahillea's invitation.-1936-07-12
AFMFB096.jpg.jpgLetter to S. Fabiato from A. A. Moshos: He tells him to bring his wife's proxy to the notary.-1935-01-29
AFMFB093.jpg.jpgLetter to Sp. Fabiato from A. A. Moshos: The ship is leaving tomorrow at 8 o'clock.-1937-04-23
Letter to S. Fabiato from A. A. Moshos: He informs him about a trial.-1936-08-04
Receipt of payment to Fabiato for paying 100 turkish liras-1940-05-03
AFMFB089.jpg.jpgDocument which proves that Fabiato has to pay 75 Turkish liras for various things-1929-04-16
AFMFB091.jpg.jpgReceipt of payment to Fabiato for paying 120 turkish liras-1940-07-03
Government newspaper-1922-08-01
AFMFB090.jpg.jpgAgreement between S. Fabiato and the gardener Euaggelos Batsis-1942-05-09
AFMFB086.jpg.jpgReceipt for expanses. Money paid from Sp. Fabiato to transfer Kalliroi Fabiatou's bones.-1942-08-14
Government newspaper-1921-12-30
A. A. Moshos' business card-1934-04-29
AFMFB084001.jpg.jpgSp. Fabiato's draft on Milto Ververoglou case--
AFMFB082003.jpg.jpgReceipts of membership card of the Partito Nazionale Fascista (National Fascist Party) Athens Branch belonging to Spiridirne (?) Fabiato for the year 1933.-1933-03-02
AFMFB082007.jpg.jpgInvitation from Fascio degli Italiani di Istanbul ‘Ugo Pepe’ to the seminar of Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli.-1939-02-28
AFMFB080.jpg.jpgTakasa tabi olup döviz verilemeyeceği ve İtalya ile yapılmak istenen kambiyonun iptal edildiğini gösteren mübadele merkezi ihbar pusulası.-1934-09-30; 1934-10-03
AFMFB079.jpg.jpgBanka Komerçiyale Italyana İstanbul Şubesi'nin S. Fabiato adına kestiği 14,33 TL dekont.-1931-07-25
AFMFB072.jpg.jpgMilliyet ve Vakit gazetelerinde, Beyoğlu Ağa Hamam Sokağı 40 no'lu hanenin mutasarrıfan sakini olan, vefat eden Cema Gulyani'nin vasiyetnamesine ilişkin itirazlar için Beyoğlu 4. Sulh Mahkemesi'ne müracaat edilmesi gerektiğini belirten yazılar.-1932-09-18
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