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AFMHZDOC072.jpg.jpgÜzerinde sadece Kaputaki Molla Mustafa’ya Anonyaki Ahmed Bey’in bey ettiği dükkan hücceti yazan boş belge.--
AFMHZDOC071.jpg.jpgMolla Mustafa Hacı Kaputaki’ye ait bir kaç emlakın kiraya verildiğini belgeleyen müessesat-ı diniye sandığına teslim olunan mübalağa mahsus ilm-i haberdir.--
AFMHZDOC066.jpg.jpgDraft calculation of construction expenses concerning lay of foundations and construction of walls.--
Kandiye Sancağı Balta Cami-i Şerifi Mahallesi’nde oturan Mehmed Bin Mustafa Hüdaizade’nin taht-ı tasarrufunda ve idaresinde bulunan emval-i gayr-ı menkulün beyannamesidir.-1927-09-28
Hatitze, daughter of Vayram Katarzaki, widow of deceased Mustafa Hudaydaki or Kapotaki and wife of Mehmet Memisanaki, receives her right as Kiapin (Marriage donation) and alimony from property of the deceased the sum of 5, 000 drachmes.-1922-03-14
Posthumous registration of the property of the deceased Mustafa Aga Hudaydakis left to his orphans, Mehmet and Yadigar. The property consits of houses and shops in Iraklio, as well as vineyards and olive groves.-1916-03-29
Teacher Remile Hanoum Kalathopoula sells to Mustafa Hudaydakis, proxy of orphan Alie Hatzialopoula, daughter of deceased Inayet, her land property situated at periphery of Village Petrokefalo of municipality of Agios Myronas of province of Malevizi.-1911-01-21
Selim Aga Bendevakis or Misirlis sells to Mustafa Hudaydakis a house situated at the Yeni Tzami neighbourhood of Iraklio for a price of 1, 300 drachmes.-1905-04-06
Mukerrem Hanumi, daughter of Mustafa Kantarci, acting as proxy of her sister, Melek, sells to Mustafaga Hudaydaki two houses located at the neighbourhood of Yeni Tzami in Iraklion. The price is set for 800 golden drachmes.-1904-08-24
AFMHZDOC017.jpg.jpgKandiye şehrinde oturan İbrahim Beyzade Bin Ahmed ve eşi Zeyneb Hacı Ulubula Binti Hacı Alaki Halil Hatun arasında görülen boşanma davasının ilamıdır.-1901-08-14
Abdoul Halim Efendis, proxy of Nefise, Mahmout Politakis' daughter, both former inhabitants of Iraklio and now inhabitants of Bournova of Anatolia, sell to Moula Mustafa Haydaydakis or Kabotakis an olive grove of 21 trees at Top Alti Periphery of Iraklio.-1900-11-07
Edhem Osoumanakis sells to Moula Mustafa Hudaydaki piece of land for price of 4, 500 gurus. The land is situated at Top Altı Periphery of Iraklio, at the site Keralis Ton Kambon and its size is 10 mouzouria, while it contains 30 mourella and small fig trees.-1900-08-21
AFMHZDOC057.jpg.jpgHüdaizade Mustafa oğlu Mehmed’in Yunanistan’da terk ettiği emlakı belgeleyen taahüdnamedir.-1926
AFMHZDOC055.jpg.jpgMehmed Hüdaizade’ye ait Kandiye’deki bir takım gayr-ı menkulun cinsini, tapu senedi kıymetini gösteren beyannamedir.-1925-11-25
The public custody office of Iraklio verifies that the following real estates are under the full ownership of Mehmet Hudaydakis, son of Mustafa.-1925-06-09
Mehmet Hudaydakis, son of the deceased Mustafa Aga, and his sister, Yadikiar represented by the supervisor of her property, Halil Yunusakis, divide the property of a total value of 150, 000 drachmes inherited by their deceased father.-1920-02-04
Muslim Council of Elders of Iraklion approves decision of the relatives council of orphans Mehmet and Yandikiar Hudaydaki.-1917-10-21
Samie Mavropoula, daughter of Ismail, sells to Mustafa Hudaydakis a house situated at the neighbourhood Balta Tzami of Iraklion for the price of 820 drachmes.-1914-07-22
Hatz Asan Yiouspasiakis from one part, and Antonios Sellamnianakis and Konstantinos Trigonakis from other part, divide in half land piece situated at the Topaltı Periphery of Iraklio of a width of 12 moutzouria and estimated of price of 800 golden drachmes.-1903-09-16
Girit vilayetinde imzalanmış Kandiye şehrinde İsmail Ağa Kapotaki Bin Hüdai’nin biraderi Mustafa Ağa Hendinaki Bin Hüdai’den gayr-ı menkul satın aldığını belgeleyen emval-i gayr-ı menkule mübayaa hücceti.-1894-10-13
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