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PreviewTitleCreatorIssue Date
Preperation du 33ème Salon de la Jeune Peinture-1982
SARW386.jpg.jpg33ème Salon de la Jeune Peinture-1982-03
Mustafa Altıntaş'ın 33ème Salon de la Jeune Peinture sergisi dolayısıyla İsmail Saray'a yolladığı mektup - Letter sent from Mustafa Altıntaş to İsmail Saray regarding 33éme Salon de la Jeune Peinture-1982-01-25
33ème Salon de la Jeune Peinture-1982
Mustafa Altıntaş'ın 33ème Salon de la Jeune Peinture sergisi dolayısyla İsmail Saray'a yolladığı mektup - Letter sent from Mustafa Altıntaş to İsmail Saray regarding 33éme Salon de la Jeune Peinture-1982-02-12
İsmail Saray, "Boğazı Tutanlar", 33ème Salon de la Jeune Peinture, Grand Palais (Paris), 1983 - İsmail Saray, "Those Fighting for the Bosphorus", "33ème Salon de la Jeune Peinture", Grand Palais (Paris), 1982İsmail Saray1982-03-09
İsmail Saray, "Boğazı Tutanlar", 33ème Salon de la Jeune Peinture, Grand Palais (Paris), 1983 - İsmail Saray, "Those Fighting for the Bosphorus", "33ème Salon de la Jeune Peinture", Grand Palais (Paris), 1982İsmail Saray1982
İsmail Saray, "Boğazı Tutanlar", 33ème Salon de la Jeune Peinture, Grand Palais (Paris), 1983 - İsmail Saray, "Those Fighting for the Bosphorus", "33ème Salon de la Jeune Peinture", Grand Palais (Paris), 1982İsmail Saray1982-03-09
İsmail Saray'ın "Boğazı Tutanlar" işinin araştırma ve yaratıcı sürecine ilişkin görseller - Images related to the research and creative process of İsmail Saray's work "Those Fighting for the Bosphorus"-1982
"Boğazı Tutanlar" için taslak ve notlar - Sketches and notes for "Those Fighting for the Bosphorus"İsmail Saray1982
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