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A group of children in the Sivas Hospital, April 1910-1910-04
ABAHTLS078.jpg.jpg[A man stands behind a bare hospital cot]--
ABAHTLS104.jpg.jpg[A nurse appears to clean the gears of hospital equipment]--
AJRHUR02267 (2000-02-17).jpg.jpgAcıbadem Hastanesi de borsaya hazırlanıyor.-2000-04-14
AJRHUR03429 (2000-05-16).jpg.jpgAcıbadem Hastanesi'nde internetle hasta ziyaretiÖzpeynirci2000-06-05
Adana, W. R. road for Hospital Men's ward-1910
Amasya Bimarhanesi - Amasya Psychiatric Hospital--
American Compound Talas, June 14, 1909: Hospital; Girls Bording School; Missionary buildings.-1909-06-14
Anatolia College Hospital before 1906, Merzifon.-1906
Anatolia College Hospital, Marsovan, Turkey.H. L. Nerso N. 21909-08-14
Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, İbn-i Sina Hastanesi - Ankara University School of Medicine, İbn-i Sina HospitalJean-François Pérouse1990
ABAHACMRZ009.jpg.jpgArrival of a Patient at the Hospital.--
Aydın Gureba Hastanesi - Aydın Gureba HospitalFoto Refik-
Baltalimanı Mediha Sultan ve Damat Ferit Paşa Yalısı - Mediha Sultan and Damat Ferit Paşa Mansion in BaltalimanıM. Erem Çalıkoğlu-
TASUH3496.jpg.jpgBaltalimanı Sarayı (Mediha Sultan Sahilhanesi)--
Beyoğlu Hastanesi Baş hekimi Dr. Tevfik Fikret Beyefendi'ye gönderilen mektup ve zarfı --1933-06-09
Bezmialem Valide Sultan Hastanesi antetli reçeteler - The letterhead prescriptions with Bezmialem Valide Sultan Hospital-1923-04-15
Bimarhane, AmasyaJane Laroche-
FFT733120.jpg.jpgBu defa Haseki Nisa Hastanesi Sertabibine tayin buyurulan operatör saadetlû Nureddin Bey Efendi hazretleri - Son excellence Noureddin Bey, médecin en chef de l'Hôpital des femmes de Hasséki--
PFBMC9100415000 (1910-04-15).jpg.jpg
Bulletin Médical de ConstantinopleDr. Cleobule C. Coccolatos1910-04-15; 1910-12-15
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