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1914, Harpoot Annual Meeting of E. Turkey Mission-1914
A group photo: Prof. Garabedian (Eng. and Arm.), Prof. Terrikjian (Turk. French. History), Prof. Melcon (Senior Prof.), Prof. Nahigian (Physics and Math.), Vartan Amerikhanian (Intermed.), Muggerditch Vorhenian (Intermed.), Mr. Bennlian (Principal High School), Mr. Yeshilian (Natl. Sciences), Mr. Avakian (High School), Mr. Kassabian (Princ. of Intermediate); Dr. Gates, [Harpoot ?]Ressam Tiflisli Sursuryan-
ABAHHRP029.jpg.jpg[A large mixed group posed on carpets in front of a building. Comprised of both children and adults in traditional dress, as well as several adults wearing Western-style clothing.]--
Alice & Harriet Atkinson, from H. H. Atkinson MD. Harpoot, Turkey--
American Mission Premises in winter, Harpoot-1932-05-18
ABAHHRP008.jpg.jpgAmerican Mission Premises in winter, Harpoot--
Dr. Crosby H. Wheeler, President of Euphrates College, 1878-1893, HarpootHardy, no 493, Washington Street, Artist Photographer, Boston Mass.1878; 1893
Dr. H. S. Barnum, Harpoot and Constantinople--
Dr. Herman N. Barnum, HarpootFred Boissonnas Photographie, Genève-
Dr. Shepard prescribing for the for the Kurds at Camp Gurljuk, Mamurette-ul-Aziz, TurkeySarrafian Bros., Beirut (Syria)-
Euphrates College, Harpoot, Turkey, Ernest W. Riggs, June 19th, 1914. A letter from Ernest W. Riggs to W. W. Peet indicates that it is a photo of the faculty and instructors of Euphrates College.-1914-06-19
F.H. Wiggin, Dr. William W. Peet, D.K. Getchell, Dr. L.O. Lee, Dr. J.P. McNaughton, Mr. G.P. Knapp, W.P. Clarke, and I.E. Dwyer (of Harput)--
For Mr. Peet. With kind regards, G.C. Raynolds. Jany, 1913, Harpoot, Van.Victoria Portrait1913-01
ABAHHRP041.jpg.jpgHarpoot Children's Orphanage Weaving Industry, 1902-1902
ABAHHRP031.jpg.jpgHarpoot Industrial School, 1902-1902
ABAHHRP043.jpg.jpgHarpoot photograph box--
ABAHHRP021.jpg.jpgHarpoot School Bakery On left--
Harpoot Selden Building, 3rd floor. Mr. Knapp and assistant Mr. Melcon BennenyanRessam Tiflisli Sursuryan-
Harpoot, 1895-1895
ABAHHRP034.jpg.jpgHarpoot, Turkey--
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