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Amerika Büyükelçisi Raymond A. Hare ve Emekli Ressam Subaylar Derneği Başkanı Albay İhsan Çanakkaleli - American Ambassador Raymond A. Hare and Colonel İhsan Çanakkaleli, Retired President of Painters Officers Association-1964-11-09
Amerikalı ressam Sara [Maok] ve ressam İhsan Cemal Karaburçak - American painter Sara [Maok] and painter İhsan Cemal Karaburçak--
Borusan Kültür ve Sanat'ta Eisenman Architects'in "Sanal Ev" başlıklı sergisinin broşürü - Brochure of Eisenman Architects' "Virtual House" exhibition at Borusan Culture and Art Center-1998-05-29
ECOBARCE123.pdf.jpgÇağlar boyu ana tanrıça inancı ve Türk resmine yansımaları - The cult of the mother goddess throughout the ages and its effect on Turkish painting - La Croyance à la Déesse-Mère au Long de l’Histoire et ses Reflets sur la Peinture turqueDoç. Dr. Zühre İndirkaş2006-12-27
AFMSBDIVDOC122.jpg.jpgFikret Mualla: Hayatı - sanatı - eserleriNurullah Berk, Orhan Koloğlu1971-10
ECOBARCE155.pdf.jpgİmaj her şeydir - Her şey imajdır - Image is everything – Everything is image - L’image est tout – Tout est imageMarcus Graf2009-05-06
TASUH5323.jpg.jpgİskit Sanatı'na ait objelerin çizimi--
ECOBARCE056.pdf.jpgİstanbul'un fotoğrafçıları - Early Istanbul photographers - Les Photographes d'IstanbulEngin Özendes2004-12-08
ECOBARCE289.pdf.jpgKamondolar: 19. Yüzyılda Fransa'da Sanatın Destekçileri - The Camondos: Collectors and Art Patrons in France - Les Camondo, Collectionneurs et Mécènes en FranceSophie Le Tarnec2005-04-19
L'Architecture Turque - Türk Mimarisi - Turkish ArchitectureAli Saim Ülgen-
Mehmet Rıfat Ataoğlu otoportre yaparken - Mehmet Rıfat Ataoğlu painting self-portrait-1930-04-18
TASUH5325.jpg.jpgMuhtemel bir İskit Aynası--
OBM’nin “Doğuyu Tüketmek” sergisi Paris’te - OBM’s Consuming the Orient exhibition on view in Paris - L’exposition du musée de la Banque ottomane « Un Orient de consommation » à Paris-2010-01-29; 2010-02-26
Ressam Erol Akyavaş ve tablosu - Painter Erol Akyavaş and his painting--
Ressam Erol Akyavaş ve tablosu - Painter Erol Akyavaş and his painting--
Ressam Erol Akyavaş'ın İstanbul Fransız Konsolosluğu'ndaki sergisi - The exhibition of painter Erol Akyavaş at French Consulate in İstanbul--
Ressam İbrahim Safi - Painter İbrahim Safi-1968-12-16
[Ressam İbrahim Safi'nin tablosu - Painter İbrahim Safi's painting]--
Ressam Müreccel Küçükaksoy ve modeli Gülten Hanım - Painter Müreccel Küçükaksoy and her model Gülten Hanım--
Ressam Müreccel Küçükaksoy ve modeli opera sanatçısı Handan Şardağ - Painter Müreccel Küçükaksoy and her model, opera singer Handan Şardağ--
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