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Nedko Solakov
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"In Den Schluchten Des Balkan" (Kunsthalle Fridericianum Kassel, Almanya, 2003) sergi broşürü - "In the Gorges of the Balkan"(Kunsthalle Fridericianum Kassel, Germany, 2003) exhibition brochure-2003-08-30; 2003-11-23
KARW1412.jpg.jpg"In Search of Balkania" (Neue Galeri, Graz, Avusturya, 2002) sergi metni - "In Search of Balkania" (Neue Gallery, Graz, Austria, 2002) exhibition text-2002-10-03; 2002-12-01
"In the Gorges of the Balkans" (Kunsthalle Fridericianum Kassel, Almanya, 2003) sergi broşürü - "In the Gorges of the Balkans" (Kunsthalle Fridericianum Kassel, Germany, 2003) exhibition brochure-2003-08-30; 2003-11-23
"Inclusion: Exclusion" sergi broşürü (Im Reininghaus und Künstlerhaus, Graz, 1996) - "Inclusion: Exclusion" exhibition brochure (Im Reininghaus und Künstlerhaus, Graz, 1996)-1996-09-22; 1996-10-26
PG610.pdf.jpgPlatform yıllık rapor, 2004-2005 - Platform year report, 2004-2005-2004; 2005
VKRG001.pdf.jpgResmi Görüş (deneme sayısı, 1999)-1999
"runt om oss, inom oss /around us, inside us/"-1997-05-01
"The Grand Promenade" (National Museum of Contemporary Art, Atina, Yunanistan), 2006 - "The Grand Promenade" (National Museum of Contemporary Art, Athens, Greece), 2006-2005-07-17; 2006-09-29
PG549.jpg.jpgUzaktan sineğe benzeyenlerEzgi Başaran2005-06-18
PG545.pdf.jpg"Uzaktan sineğe benzeyenler" sergisi (Platform GSM, 2005), basın bülteni - "That from a long way off look like flies" exhibition (Platform CAC, 2005), press release-2005-06-03; 2005-07-09
PG544.pdf.jpg"Uzaktan sineğe benzeyenler" sergisi (Platform GSM, 2005), basın bülteni - "That from a long way off look like flies" exhibition (Platform CAC, 2005), press release-2005-06-03; 2005-07-09
"Uzaktan sineğe benzeyenler" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2005 - "That from a long way off look like flies" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005-2005
PG555.jpg.jpg"Uzaktan sineğe benzeyenler" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2005 - "That from a long way off look like flies" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005-2005
"Uzaktan sineğe benzeyenler" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2005 - "That from a long way off look like flies" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005-2005
"Uzaktan sineğe benzeyenler" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2005 - "That from a long way off look like flies" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005-2005
"Uzaktan sineğe benzeyenler" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2005 - "That from a long way off look like flies" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005-2005
"Uzaktan sineğe benzeyenler" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2005 - "That from a long way off look like flies" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005-2005
"Uzaktan sineğe benzeyenler" sergisi, Platform GSM, 2005 - "That from a long way off look like flies" exhibition, Platform CAC, 2005-2005
PG547.pdf.jpg"Uzaktan sineğe benzeyenler" sergisindeki (Platform GSM, 2005) sanatçılar ve işleri hakkında metin - Texts about the artists and their works in "That from a long way off look like flies" exhibition (Platform CAC, 2005)-2005-06-03; 2005-07-09
PG546.pdf.jpg"Uzaktan sineğe benzeyenler" sergisindeki (Platform GSM, 2005) sanatçılar ve işleri hakkında metin - Texts about the artists and their works in "That from a long way off look like flies" exhibition (Platform CAC, 2005)-2005-06-03; 2005-07-09
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